LDAP Settings
Accepted answer
If there is an error 500, there probably is a corresponding stack trace in the application server log:
<WebSphere install dir>/AppServer/profiles/<profile name>/logs/<server name>/SystemOut.log or SystemErr.log
This stack trace will tell you what the cause of the failure is.
<WebSphere install dir>/AppServer/profiles/<profile name>/logs/<server name>/SystemOut.log or SystemErr.log
This stack trace will tell you what the cause of the failure is.
One other answer
When the issue occurs, does the error appear right away, or does the import take a minute or so before the 500 response is returned. If this is the case and there is a proxy server in the topology, I would check to see what the ServerIOTimeout in the plugin-cfg.xml is set to. The value may need to be increased to prevent the plugin from timing out long lived requests.