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How can I dismiss a Modal Dialog from the RTC plug-in for Visual Studio when it loses connection to the server?

Jamie Berry (14014196) | asked Aug 06 '13, 5:44 p.m.
I have some users at a remote location (connecting to RTC over a slow WAN connection) that are complaining about a Modal dialog coming up in Visual Studio whenever the RTC plug-in fails to successfully communicate with the server.  They are in the middle of updating files and RTC attempts to communicate and fails.  The plug-in puts up a dialog that refuses to be dismissed.  The only way they have been able to dismiss the dialog is by killing Visual Studio.  This causes a loss of work.

They are using the 4.0.2 version of the plugin and either 2010 or 2012 of Visual Studio.  The last report of the hang was when RTC was attempting to "set the sandbox".

Has anyone seen this and if so, is there some other way to dismiss the dialog other than blowing away Visual Studio?



Surya Tripathi commented Aug 06 '13, 7:07 p.m.

Could you please post a picture of that dialog? Thanks.

Jamie Berry commented Aug 07 '13, 10:48 a.m.

I have asked my user to capture the dialog the next time it happens.  As soon as I have it, I will post it.


Jamie Berry commented Aug 07 '13, 11:00 a.m.

Dialog that hangs

Here is a screenshot of the "Progress Information" dialog that is hanging for my user.

Jamie Berry commented Aug 07 '13, 11:02 a.m.

Okay, I don't know if others are seeing the image or not, but I am not.  The dialog is a simple dialog with the header of "Progress information" and an "(i)" (circle-i information) icon.  The message is 'Log on...' and there is a progress bar a bit over half-filled.  The only button is 'Cancel' and it does nothing nor does clicking the 'X' on the window.

Any ideas?

Surya Tripathi commented Aug 07 '13, 5:59 p.m.

Looks like your attachment did not succeed. Could you please post the image again.

Jamie Berry commented Aug 07 '13, 6:27 p.m.

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Sreerupa Sen (1.0k4) | answered Aug 08 '13, 6:27 a.m.
 Hi Jamie,
    Does the modal dialog hang around for ever? Or disappear after the login timeout period (6 mins by default) that you've configured for the repository connection?

Jamie Berry commented Aug 08 '13, 11:29 a.m.

I asked my user and here is his response:

I did not see any improvement after the six minutes had passed.  In fact, there was no change after ~15-20 minutes.  I know it was well past 6 minutes because I was trying to figure out how to preserve my unsaved changes before killing VS.


Sreerupa Sen commented Aug 12 '13, 5:55 a.m.

Can they not minimize this login dialog at all?

I think for this one we'd need a work item then, with their steps, screen shots and logs in the verbose mode. talks about how you can set up tracing levels.
Please either update this post with the work item number, or just subscribe me (Sreerupa Sen) to it.

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