How to re-connect a component to a workspace.
I unloaded a component from my workspace using the option "Disconnect the local content from the repository workspace." How do I re-connect my local back to the component. I do not want to do a full reload of the component or overwrite my local changes.
I also see an option under package explorer > team > Disconnect. Not sure how to connect it back.
One answer
Sharing project is making me deliver all the code not just what is different. I am using 3.0.1.
Sharing does not deliver the content. It will check-in any new changes though. Is that what you are seeing?
It is checking in the entire code, not just my new changes. I would like to see just the new changes. I do need to manually go in an discard the once I don't need?
I'm not quite sure how you have your project set up but it sounds like only part of what is in the project is shared with source control. In that case, you wouldn't be able to reconnect your project because it's only part of your project that's shared.
I just did a quick test with 4.0.4 and it worked as Tim describes. I loaded a project from a component. I made one simple change to one file. I disconnected the project and chose just the "Unload" option (not "Check-in and Unload). It was successfully unloaded. I then shared the project and chose "Jazz Source Control". I then found my workspace (the one that indicated it was loaded) and selected the same component it was originally loaded from. RTC shared it and identified the same one simple change I had made originally.
Tim, are you sure this works in 3.01?
Deepti, could you run a simple test like I describe above? Maybe then you'll find what you did differently.
Scott, Yes, I did exactly the way you described. Under outgoing I see the entire code base not just my changes.
It's hard to tell what you're seeing without a screenshot. It sounds like your setup wouldn't allow this because of how you've loaded or how the code was initially shared.