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CRJAZ1992E The task "" has failed with an unexpected error which has caused it to be unscheduled. The error message is "Dependency query failed". Please check your server logs for details

Zica Valsan (10124845) | asked Jul 25 '13, 3:50 a.m.
edited Jul 25 '13, 9:07 a.m. by Kevin Doyle (60425)
we have RTC 4.01. and in the diagnostic page th following error message shous up:
CRJAZ1992E The task "" has failed with an unexpected error which has caused it to be unscheduled. The error message is "Dependency query failed". Please check your server logs for details. Once you have addressed the issues, you should restart the server to reschedule this background task.

Any thoughts on this?
Thank you

Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk commented Jul 25 '13, 4:19 a.m.

Hello Zica,
Could you look into your ccm.log file to see what is entire stack trace there?

3 answers

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Abraham Sweiss (2.4k1331) | answered Jul 25 '13, 8:47 a.m.
Hi  Zica,

Although the following forum post does not specifically reference the background task  noted in this question, I believe it is relevant

Zica Valsan commented Jul 30 '13, 5:20 a.m.

Hi Abraham,
thank you for the input.  I have found the info you pointed out and have done the changes in that we increased the JDBC Connection Pool Wait time from its defualt value of 6000 to 10000. We restarted the server, have for a day or so no errors and then it occurred again:-(


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Abraham Sweiss (2.4k1331) | answered Jul 30 '13, 10:50 a.m.
Hi Zica,

After increasing the timeout, does it take longer for the problem to occur.   If yes, then there may be some resource contention.  I would suggest looking into the jvm, thread pool settings.  Also at the time the problem is logged, review the jts/ccm/db/server logs to see if there were any unusual behavior.  

If after going through the log analysis/ tuning exercise and the issue continues, I would suggest openning a PMr with support to continue the investigation.

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Hung Lam (2911915) | answered Jul 30 '13, 1:53 p.m.
 Hi Zica,
The BuildableSubsetMigrationTask is started on server startup and does migration of buildable subset.  The buildable subset is artifact related to Enterprise Extensions - Dependency Build function.  When you perform diagnostic, the server is not ready for any migration tasks to run.  Unfortunately, the BuildableSubsetMigrationTask does not check for the server status before trying to perform the migration.  However, it shouldn't impact the server at all.  It's just an error seeing on the admin or server log.  We have a work item to handle this issue Execute startup migration logic only when set up has been performed (274050).  

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