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Issue with "Execution Status using Weight" QM report

Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | asked Jul 24 '13, 1:59 p.m.

QM 4.0.1 user reports certain parameter choices on the QM report in the subject line will show

"Error happened running the report"
No stack trace is available.   Using Firebug I tracked this to a illegal parameter exception and the POST data contains (among other information):

POST data for report:

parameterName    plan
parameterName    iteration
parameterName    testcase
parameterValue    '_weiJgccyEeG-4rBit94NIg'
parameterValue    '_oFcQQMc1EeG-4rBit94NIg'
parameterValue    'https://my.server.url:9443/jazz/web/console/_MEjqse7mEeKmRZrp4SVMLw'

If I follow that last parameterValue in browser it mutters something about a project :

You have successfully logged into Jazz Team Server but not able to access the Project '_MEjqse7mEeKmRZrp4SVMLw'.

Contact your Jazz Team Server Administrator to verify that the project is valid and you have the permission to access the project.

This doesn't happen on every choice made for Test Case, just certain ones.   This template appears to be up-to-date as it's not offered on the "Deploy new resources" of the Reports page.

One answer

permanent link
Antoinette Iacobo (650712) | answered Jul 24 '13, 5:11 p.m.
Hi Kevin, 

If the user goes to qm/admin > Project Areas > Active Project Areas, scrolls over each project area link, a URL will display at the bottom of the browser that will end with _ProjectArea&itemId=
Is the string _MEjqse7mEeKmRZrp4SVMLw in the list?  
Maybe there is a permission problem?  

Kevin Ramer commented Jul 25 '13, 10:20 a.m.

No, that string doesn't appear anywhere in the https://myserver:9443/jazz/oslc_qm/catalog data.
When I query the database for ITEM_ID with that value, it's found in PLANNING.VERSIONABLE_ITEM and PLANNING.VERSIONED_TEST_PLAN_TEST_CASES tables.

Antoinette Iacobo commented Jul 25 '13, 5:28 p.m.

The error is complaining about a project area, and the link is a project area console link.  So that's why you should check the project area feed, not a catalog link

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