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Using RTC without an Eclipse project

Mike Johnson (28624221) | asked Jan 07 '09, 7:50 a.m.
Our team has the need to manage a repository of documents about our project. I'd like to be able to CM them in a Jazz repo. What's the best way of using RTC to access/update these documents without an Eclipse project? IE, I just want to say "directory C:\docs is attached to the 'doc stream' (or repository workspace?)" and then be able to check in/out files to/from the repo. (Kind of like just using Subversion or CVS...)

Thanks in advance,

3 answers

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Ulf Buchner (3182213) | answered Jan 08 '09, 6:32 a.m.
Hi Mike,

I guess (am not sure?) that you always need a project when working with the RTC client. What I just tried is the following:
1. Create a new workspace
2. Open the Resource perspective
3. Create a new project (General -> Project)
4. Create a new folder, give it a name (e.g. Version1) and link it to the correct folder on the file system, e.g. C:\docs

Perhaps this is a solution for you.

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Michael Valenta (3.7k3) | answered Jan 08 '09, 2:28 p.m.

There is an SCM command line client available from the downloads page.
You could try that. It is not as fully featured as the RTC client but
should be able to do what you are looking for.


micjohnson997 wrote:
Our team has the need to manage a repository of documents about our
project. I'd like to be able to CM them in a Jazz repo. What's the
best way of using RTC to access/update these documents without an
Eclipse project? IE, I just want to say "directory C:\docs is
attached to the 'doc stream' (or repository workspace?)" and
then be able to check in/out files to/from the repo. (Kind of like
just using Subversion or CVS...)

Thanks in advance,

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Mike Johnson (28624221) | answered Jan 08 '09, 4:17 p.m.
Thanks to both suggestions! I was looking more for something like a simple GUI like some of the Subversion GUIs, so I think the first suggestion is probably about as close as I can get... Although we also need the command line for integrating Jazz into our build process!


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