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Permissions in RQM 4.0.2

Jason Wilson (311326) | asked Jul 19 '13, 7:26 a.m.
I am new to RQM I am looking at the Formal Review section of a Test Plan.

What I am trying to do is to prevent certain users from being able to deleting the name of a Reviewer and/or Approver from a plan.

I have found the permission ‘Save Formal Review – Delete’ and have removed this for the role assigned to team members, however although they can no longer remove the Approval Group, they can still remove the name(s) listed in that group.
I cannot see any other permission that seems to relate to this and the Jazz site seems to focus on the requirements side for review.

Is anyone able to assist?

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Antoinette Iacobo (650712) | answered Jul 22 '13, 12:29 p.m.
 Jason, you should open an RFE for finer granularity specific to removing users from groups.  You can do so here:
Jason Wilson selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

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Lisa Caten (342913) | answered Jul 21 '13, 11:49 a.m.
It sounds like you want to prevent users from editing an existing formal review, not deleting it entirely. Have you tried removing the Save Formal Review > Edit permission?

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Jason Wilson (311326) | answered Jul 22 '13, 7:16 a.m.
Hi Lisa..

This is almost what I want, however the team members should be able to add reviewers/approvers to their test plan but not to delete.

If I remove the Save Formal Review > Edit, although they can add the reviewers/approvers on creation of a Test Plan, then are not then able to add any other reviewers/ approvers after the initial save of the Test Plan.

Again I am only trying to prevent the removal of the reviewers especially if we use e-signatures.

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