Anyone know where I can find the Installation Manager repo for RTC 4.0.3 ?
Accepted answer
Is this what you are looking for:
Thanks Abraham. Close but for some reason does not seem to have the RTC thick client (eclipse GUI) in it!
Abraham, out of curiosity how did you find that link? I've tried changing the "clm" in that to match what Lee had originally posted but no luck.
I had an old Packaging Utility and wouldn't allow copying of certain packages. Upgraded and It works fine!
Thanks Abraham!!
3 other answers
The download page is here: You'll want to look under the heading "IBM Installation Manager Repositories", and then you can download the appropriate product you're looking for.
Not looking for a download. Looking for the installation Manager repo to move into my local repo via IBM Packaging utility.
There doesn't appear to be a repository like you're looking for on You can download the repository, and then use Packaging Utility to move it in to your local repository once it's local.
1 vote
Okay, here is how I found the url
1. Downloaded the web installer
2. started up the launchpad
3. Selected to update/modify existing packages
4. WHen Im started I logged in using my jazz credentials
5. Once IM was started i selected file -> preferences -> repository
I followed these steps to install the eclipse RTC client and got the following url
Unless I am missing something, the Im that ships with the web installer points to the same repository when installing the server and client
1. Downloaded the web installer
2. started up the launchpad
3. Selected to update/modify existing packages
4. WHen Im started I logged in using my jazz credentials
5. Once IM was started i selected file -> preferences -> repository
I followed these steps to install the eclipse RTC client and got the following url
Unless I am missing something, the Im that ships with the web installer points to the same repository when installing the server and client