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Getting last execution state of test case

Chandrahasa Reddy D (5715360) | asked Jul 17 '13, 5:23 a.m.
I am trying to get execution result feed which contains details of execution of test case, using following url:
The issue here is if I run same test case multiple times, I am not able to find which is the last result as it contains multiple results entry ..
Is there any way to find out only last result of any test case ? please suggest.

2 answers

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Chenyue Gao (913) | answered Jul 22 '13, 2:55 p.m.
edited Jul 22 '13, 2:56 p.m.
Hi Chandrahasa, Thanks for your question.
To find out the test result of a specific test case, use this url 
https://hostname:9443/qm/service/[title='test case title'| @href='url of the test case']
If you know the last modified time of any executionresult, it is possible to find out only last result by filtering the executionresult by start time 
https://hostname:9443/qm/service/[starttime>='the last modified time']/testcase[title='test case title'| @href='url of the test case']
If you don't know the last modified time, you can try to sort the execution result by descending order https://hostname:9443/qm/service/[title='test case title'| @href='url of the test case']&sort= descending

To find more information about filtering the results, please go to

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Setembrino Lusa (515) | answered Nov 16 '16, 2:06 p.m.
 @gaoc I have that question, any suggestions ?

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