Disable feeds at RTC

Accepted answer

It does not look like we have a single location where we list out all available feeds. The info is available, however you will need to review the information per component to determine if a feed is available. If you would like to see a single page in the infoCenter which lists all available feed, please open a workitem in the project area. This can be done by selecting the My stuff link in the upper right hand side of jazz.net, then select the Work Item tab and open a defect. You will need to relog in with your jazz credentials.
However for jts, the feeds will be related to general administration tasks such as results of LDAP syncs or etl jobs which are run against the jts db. And for the ccm server , there should be a feed for builds, work items, plans, etls, ext.
2 other answers

In CLM 4.0.3 server side control was added to manage feeds. See the following link for more details
In previous releases of CLM, feeds were controled by the client. So if feeds needed to be disabled, this would need to be done on a client by client basis.

Hi Abraham,

All the feeds I know of will come from CCM. There are some feeds, such as server status, that are generated by the JTS. I don't know about the other applications.
Is it possible to set Feed Query Maximum Entries to 0? I wonder if that will essentially stop your feed service from returning anything.
If you want to simply reduce the amount of feed polling the clients do to the server, you can adjust the properties described at http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v4r0m3/index.jsp?re=1&topic=/com.ibm.jazz.repository.web.admin.doc/topics/t_config_feed_load.html&scope=null. It should be enough to just set Enable Feed Throttle Management to true. With the other settings set to their defaults, the clients should poll much less frequently that normal while still allowing the clients to use their feeds. Note that only clients version 4.0.3 and above make use of this option.
Kevin Ramer
Jul 12 '13, 12:41 p.m.Window / Preferences. Poke around under General / Notifications.