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Quality Manger - ReqPro Bi directional Integration.

Rafael Rodriguez Montes (23013130258) | asked Jul 08 '13, 6:25 p.m.
edited Jul 16 '13, 4:51 p.m.
I have the traditional integration between Quality manager and Requisite Pro, where I can see the requirements in Quality Manager, but if I want to see the Test cases linked with Requirements in Requisite Pro Side, how can I do that? Exist any script for do that ? Can I add an custom attribute in Requisite pro showing the list of Test Cases linked ? or something like that? or is possible to develop it using API of ReqPro?

Thank you.

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Antoinette Iacobo (650712) | answered Jul 23 '13, 12:08 p.m.
 There is no Rational integration to do this, however it seems like you should be able to implement this yourself.
If ReqPro will let you add the custom attribute as a text field for the test case link, there is an API for you to access the requirements:

RQM also has an API ( and Utility to make requests (  It's available for download on under the All Downloads tab. 

You can query test cases for their requirements links using the etlmode=true parameter.  

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