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2000 Requirements - do I really need to select each one to produce an RRC Traceability Report?

Christina Mattoon (3611210) | asked Jun 21 '13, 3:59 p.m.
When I create an RRC Traceability Report, I can narrow down the selection to a set of folders, but then I have to choose each requirement.  I can do that via holding down the shift key, but isn't there a 'select all' feature?  If I have 1000s of requirements, that's a lot of paging down to get to the last requirement to select it.

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Edgar Ignacio Velazquez Mar (7225) | answered Jun 21 '13, 6:20 p.m.
 Hi Christina,
 You can create a view with the requirements you want to include and generate the traceability report based on that view (there is an icon for report generation on the top right corner of the view). From there you can add or remove requirements as well

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