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RTC 4.0.3 - LSCM command or MOVE option for a component with properties.

NANCY SCHIPON (1156) | asked Jun 18 '13, 1:52 p.m.

Has anyone used the MOVE process for a component with properties on RTC 4.0.3?   

I would like to know if the properties moved will the component and the process used - lscm command or the "move" selection within RTC - etc? 

Currently using 4.01 the move option or lscm command does not move the properties with the component from one component into another component. 

My understanding is RTC 4.0.3 will now be able to successfully move a component with the properties.

Thank you - Nancy Schipon

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jun 18 '13, 10:36 p.m.
I assume by a "component with properties", you mean "a file or folder/directory with properties"?  
If so, in 4.0.3, when a file/folder is moved via the Eclipse client from one component to another, the file/folder in the target component will have the user properties it had in the source component.   I assume the same is true when the move is performed via the command line, but I haven't verified that.

NANCY SCHIPON commented Jun 19 '13, 9:15 a.m.


Thank you for confirming the properties will move with the component/file/directory in 4.0.3 in Eclipse. 

Are you able to confirm the lscm command works and the exact format to accomplish this via command line?

Thank you.

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