Encrypting RDBMS username and password
One answer
How are you configuring your db2 location information in jazz ? Are you using both the JDBC location and JDBC password fields to fill in the db2 location / password information ?
The setup wizard, https://{serverName}:9443/jazz/setup, can be used to setup your database, email and user registry configuration.
https://{serverName}:9443/jazz/setup#action=com.ibm.team.repository.wizard.configureDatabase wizard page is used to configure the database setting. If JAZZ2 is name of the database, use //{serverName}:50000/JAZZ2:fullyMaterializeLobData=false;user=jazzdb;password={password}; as the JDBC location information. specify the password in JDBC password field. The text entered in JDBC password is encrypted before storing it in teamserver.properties file
--- Balaji
The setup wizard, https://{serverName}:9443/jazz/setup, can be used to setup your database, email and user registry configuration.
https://{serverName}:9443/jazz/setup#action=com.ibm.team.repository.wizard.configureDatabase wizard page is used to configure the database setting. If JAZZ2 is name of the database, use //{serverName}:50000/JAZZ2:fullyMaterializeLobData=false;user=jazzdb;
--- Balaji
To configure the Jazz server to use DB2, we are required to put the DB2 administrator user name and password in a clear text file. Is there any way that the password can be encrypted?