[closed] Solution for integration in 3rd party Tools
Hi there,
at the moment there is one Shell integration into Windows Explorer. This is very nice and useful.
In our company many users use the Total Commander as file explorer instead of the Windows Explorer.
In ClearCase the Windows Explorer shell on 32bit systems was useable inside of Total Commander, too, as the integration inside Windows Explorer completely enabled the Shell in Total Commander, too.
Is it possible to get the Windows Explorer shell integration for Total Commander, too that you can use the right-click-menu like checkin / deliver?
at the moment there is one Shell integration into Windows Explorer. This is very nice and useful.
In our company many users use the Total Commander as file explorer instead of the Windows Explorer.
In ClearCase the Windows Explorer shell on 32bit systems was useable inside of Total Commander, too, as the integration inside Windows Explorer completely enabled the Shell in Total Commander, too.
Is it possible to get the Windows Explorer shell integration for Total Commander, too that you can use the right-click-menu like checkin / deliver?
The question has been closed for the following reason: "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by eickel Sep 16 '13, 1:15 a.m.