Do we need to create every time a new workspace for building project in RTC? Plz refer description.

Do we need to create a new workspace when we perform build in RTC as at the time of building project workspace owner must be "Build Forge". Later when I tried to change the owner from Build Forge to me then getting error as Workspace owner only can change the owner i.e currently build forge.........Is there any way to change the owner of workspace by any team member without build forge team help?
2 answers

No there is no way to switch the workspace owner without logging in as the owner of the workspace. If it is a build workspace though you should be able to just generate a new workspace under your owner and use that going forward as the build workspace. It will require a new load, but after that it would be the same.

We can maintain two workspaces for every project,one owner will be yourself and second owner will be build forge....If I make some changes to project I'll check in those to my workspace and at the time of building build workspace will pick up latest changes from stream..this way we will be done with two workspaces.