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Visualize the Depends On/Blocks link

is there a possibility to get a tree from one story to all other stories that depend on the first story or are blocked by it? Also I want to have the stories listed that are block the first blocker and so on. (iterative tree of all stories that block the first story)
Thanks for your help!
One answer

We display this dependencies in a Plan within Workbreakdown view, which is based on the "Depends on/Blocked" link type instead of "Parent/Child" linktype.
You can configure this in the Plan View.

Thanks a lot for your answer, Guido!
Unfortunately the picture was not attached properly and I could not follow your instructions without it.
So I went to a Product Backlog, there to Work Breakdown, but I only saw Parent-Child relations there and not Depends on /BLocked link type. Can you hint me at what I have to do to change the linktype?

Which version of RTC do you have?
This feature is based on 4.x

I got version 3.0, so i guess, this feature is not applicable for me :(

it was introduced with 4.0.
One reason more to upgrade.