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Burndown does not include the last data snapshot point

Kishore Nagareddy (3028) | asked Jun 04 '13, 4:08 p.m.
We are on RTC 4.0.2. We use the Scrum process template and use monthly sprints. 
I see an issue with the Sprint Burndown for the previous iteration (May). 
The line on the chart did not drop to zero hours even though the plan shows it is zero. The total number of data snapshot points on the chart is 30. So, it appears that all the work (hours)  that was completed on 5/31 was not accounted on the chart. 
I looked at the same chart on the night of 5/31 and the line was showing zero hours remaining. After the sprint ended, it now shows that there is remaining work. 
Why would this happen? 
Does this have to do anything with the timing of setting the next iteration as current or when the data collection jobs are run?

Kishore Nagareddy commented Jun 04 '13, 4:13 p.m.

Here is an image of what it looks like.

  Sprint Burndown Report for May

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Stephanie Bagot (2.1k1513) | answered Jun 07 '13, 11:33 a.m.
Burndown reports gather information from the live DB as well as the datawarehouse. Since the report is only for your May Sprint (ending May 31) it should not have collected data for the new iteration even if it was marked as current. I would check your ETL logs to ensure that there are no failures around May 31, and also make sure there is no remaining work items assigned to this iteration.

Kishore Nagareddy commented Jun 11 '13, 10:06 a.m.

Thanks Stephanie. I made sure there are no work items assigned to the iteration. The burndown dropped to zero before the iteration ended. The only thing left is to check the ETL log to see if there was a problem with data collection on the last day of the iteration. 

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