What am I missing from the new work item link I've created?
I used this entry on DeveloperWorks as my starting point for creating the link
I've created the plug-in project for the link, plus the feature and update site projects. I've installed the plug-in locally in my eclipse dev environment as well.
I can see the new link type when I edit my Links presentation. I can also see the new link type in my queries. What am I missing to actually be able to create the link?
Here's the code from plugin.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?eclipse version="3.4"?>
displayName="Propagate To"
displayName="Propagated From"
2 answers
yes, it's in the list of link
and when on a Workitem Links tab, you press 'Add', does it appear in THAT list?
no. the list is being updated when i select different items in the Links presentation, but the new link type that is created never shows up.
have u restarted Eclipse?, clean?
eclipse -clean to force the reload of all the plugins? Shouldn't matter,
but sometimes it does.
the eclipse install will only show in Eclipse..
the server install will only show in the web.
hey! look at that. the clean restart did the trick in Eclipse. Now just to figure out the web. Might just be that I don't know how to do a server install
On the server you need to install the repo into the (tomcat)
server/conf/ccm/sites subtree, and add an ini to the provisioning files folder to tell the server to load the plugin.
then restart the server cold to tell it to load plugins too.
then stopserver/startserver
note that linktypes added on the server are seen SYSTEM WIDE for ALL projects.
add your voice to enhancement 160162 to be able to limit where they are used
ok, so I have done that part correctly as well. Still not seeing the links in the web client though