How do I extract the number of steps in a manual test script using BIRT for RQM
I am trying to extract the number of steps that are present in a manual test script in RQM using BIRT. I don't need the details of the steps, just a number that says how many steps there are.
I have looked in the table of the LIVE snapshot, but I am not finding anything that could be useful.
I have managed to count the steps based on an execution, but that won't help me out if I need information about a non-executed test script...
Is there any other place to look?
One answer
The step elements of manual test script model is not queryable, so you can not see it from LIVE snapshot. If you must see the number of test script steps of a test script in BIRT report, it is required to modify code of RQM to get it from internal service and create a new snapshot table, then users could customize BIRT report to show it. We do not suggest user customize BIRT report directly.
The steps of test script is exposed by RQM REST API, you could consider to do customization on RPE or RRDI live reports.
The steps of test script is exposed by RQM REST API, you could consider to do customization on RPE or RRDI live reports.