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What is the best way to schedule and manage my execution effort?

Andrew Trobec (49713144139) | asked May 22 '13, 8:07 a.m.
edited May 22 '13, 8:20 a.m.

I am working with RQM and I would like some best practices for managing the execution effort.  What is the best way to assign executions to testers?

For example, if a tester logs into RQM, how can he see what executions have been assigned to him for that day?  Also, as a test lead, how can I assign Test Case 1 to Tester A for tomorrow and Test Case 2 to Tester B for the day after?

I have taken a look at the Test Schedules of the Test Plan, but that has not given me the information that I am looking for.

Any suggestions would be helpful!

Best regards,


EDIT: it's, not  updated.

Accepted answer

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Bing Dong Ma (1962) | answered May 24 '13, 12:27 a.m.
Hi Andrew,

To "assign executions to testers" you could Generate Execution Record in the Test Cases section of Test Plan.  By doing this you have created the test case execution records (TCER) which should be executed by the testers to do the test.  You could set the Points, Weight or Estimation to size the execution effort for the TCER.

Then either you or the testers could add Viewlet in the Dashboard to trace the execution status, e.g. the following viewlets, "Execution Status by Owner using Weight", "Execution Status by Owner using TCER Count", "Execution Trend Report".

Hope the answer could help you some.

Best regards,

Bing Dong
Andrew Trobec selected this answer as the correct answer

Andrew Trobec commented May 24 '13, 2:26 a.m.

Hello Bing Dong,

Thank you for the reply.  Is it possible to create TCERs without the use of a test environment?  The "Generate Test Case Execution Records" popup won't let me proceed unless I select or create one...



Bing Dong Ma commented May 24 '13, 3:08 a.m.

Hi Andrew,

You have to set at least one test environment.

Best regards,

Bing Dong

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