Query for getting all the tescase in the RQM

https://(host:port)/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/(RQM Project Area Name)/testcase
to get all the Test Cases .
But we are getting only 50 Test Cases.
One answer

The size of the feed page is variable. When a feed spans multiple pages, a link to the next page is provided in the current page (see ATOM paging specification). By default, the feed page size is set to 50 resources, but it can be modified to a maximum of 1000 resources. To set the feed page size, set the following RQM Integration Component (
) advanced server configuration property (see Configuring advanced properties in the Collaborative Lifecycle Management Online Help):
Max Feed Entries/Page
where the &'s are escaped (e.g. %26). To use the link the &'s must be unescaped by turning all instances of "%26" to "&". That would make the query segment look something like:
XML feeds may be formatted to improve readability. By default, XML formatting is disabled. To enable XML formatted, enable the following RQM Integration Component (
) advanced server configuration property (see Configuring advanced properties in the Collaborative Lifecycle Management Online Help):
Format XML
Preetam Sikdar
Apr 30 '13, 8:00 a.m.We are using this query :-
https://(host:port)/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/(RQM Project Area Name)/testcase
to get all the Test Cases .
But we are getting only 50 Test Cases.