Rational Team Concert 4.0 - Cannot Save
I'm unable to save a work item (Task) in RTC 4.0. It does not display any message, but it just hangs saying 'Saving...'. Since Rational wasn't displaying any error message and not saving, I used Chrome console window to see if any error was caught. I tried saving and the following error was displayed in the console window:
Uncaught Error: ItemProxy:setValue -> attributeId is null cannot be null
dojo.declare.setValue :28198
_a6 :15
dojo.declare.setValue :51588
dojo.declare._handleTextChange :38990
(anonymous function) :15
dojo.declare.onPreSave :38741
(anonymous function) :15
(anonymous function) :15
dojo.publish :15
dojo.declare._getSaveAppArgs :50377
dojo.declare.storeWorkItem :50137
dojo.declare.save :25283
dojo.declare._handleSaveClick :24028
(anonymous function)
Can anyone tell me what is going on?
Thanks in advance.
One answer
I think this is fixed in 4.0.1. I find a few work items with "ItemProxy:setValue", most are pre-4.0.1.
Hi Kevin,
Thank you for your relies.
1) No there are no new attributes. This is a new project that I created using a template from another environment with heavily customized process. This is working just fine in the original environment.
2) What exactly is the issue that's fixed in RTC 4.0.1?
Kevin Ramer
Apr 17 '13, 6:52 p.m.Have new attributes been added to your work items recently ?