[RTC-RAM] Creating linkage from RTC work items to RAM assets
I have a customer who has RTC and RAM integrated with each other. AFAIK, there is a possibility to link work items to RAM assets (from the RAM asset user interface). Is there a way to link from the other way around? (From the RTC work item user interface linking assets). The added value of this approach allows the client to to link one work item to multiple RAM assets. Is such a scenario possible with the current setup? |
Accepted answer
Ralph Schoon (63.3k●3●36●46)
| answered Apr 08 '13, 6:01 a.m.
From the RTC perspective you can link any URL to a workitem using "Related Artifacts" links. I assume you can do the same from RAM, providing just the work item URL. I am not sure if there is a true OSLC link type available today.
Zouhair Ramram selected this answer as the correct answer
Comments Thanks for the answer, Ralph. It would be ideal if we could provide a similar scenario as to linking resources from other CLM resources (DOORS, RRC, RQM). I suppose this would be fixed if RAM asset links were to be true OSLC link types. Do you know if there is a plan to implement this in the future?
True CLM Links would require OSLC services in RAM. I am not a RAM expert, so I can't tell where they are heading. There is an Asset Management capability in OSLC: http://open-services.net/specifications/ and another thing required would be to setup cross server communication and a special link type to be able to create the link, I guess.
You can "Relate Artiafcts" from RTC to the RAM OSLC link: <server>/ram/oslc/assets/<guid>/<version>. If you have the oAuth set, you will get the asset detail's compact rendering from RAM on the RTC UI.
Zouhair Ramram
commented Apr 11 '13, 6:08 a.m.
Thanks for the useful information, people. As Gili said, the missing part is the UI to create the link, which is what the client would have wanted. I'll raise an enhancement for this.
2 other answers
You can create links between work items in IBM Rational Team Concert and assets in Rational Asset Manager. The General Details page of the asset will contain a direct link to that work item, and the work item will contain a link to the asset. You can even create a forum topic and people can post links to defects or create requests for enhancements.
(I never tested such integration)
Carlos, you can link them from RAM and the link shows up correctly in RTC. IBM is working on a fix to be able to create the link from RTC. Their first attempt did not give us the capability, so they have gone back to the developers. When I get an update on this, I will update this question.
Your answer
Dashboards and work items are no longer publicly available, so some links may be invalid. We now provide similar information through other means. Learn more here.
Hi, I know this is an old thread, but have you found a way to "create links between work items in IBM Rational Team Concert and assets in Rational Asset Manager" ?