RTC- tomcat server start gives error-CRJAZ0291I
Hi All,
I have RTC tomcat server set up. As in Jazz mentioned there is no seperate package for So I upgraded my RTC 3.0.1 tomcat server to 4.0.01.
It was working fine tll now almost 4 months. Suddenly Started giving error on server.startup.bat In ccm.log file latsest error was as below
Launch callback handler] ERROR eam.repository.provision.internal.ProvisionService - CRJAZ0291I Failed to start the bundle "com.ibm.team.repository.service 1.2.1100.v20120905_2346".
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: State change in progress for bundle "file:/C%3a/IBM_RTC/installs/JAZZTE~2/server/conf/ccm/sites/update-site/plugins/com.ibm.team.repository.service_1.2.1100.v20120905_2346.jar" by thread "Start Level Event Dispatcher".
I checked "com.ibm.team.repository.service_1.2.1100.v20120905_2346" file in respective folder server/conf/ccm/sites/update-site/plugins/ , Its present.
As mentioned in link Ichecked for dependency in my plug in project and properties of "com.ibm.team.repository.service" I found different version
Is it related to version mismatch. Can I know how it has to be resolved.
2 answers
I have a similar issue to the problem described above, but I don't find the response useful. How can you reprovision the server via a server URL if the server fails to start?
I get the impression that issuing a reprovision command simply tells the server to delete certain files on the next restart. Couldn't these files be deleted manually while the server is offline?