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New Application Servers with pre-existing SQL DB

Jeremy Cardon (4146) | asked Mar 20 '13, 1:28 p.m.

I am standing up new application/web servers using Websphere and IHS 8.0.  Do I run the setup again since I'm changing URI's or can I run something else?  Basically I want to do the following:

Replace existing servers with new ones, but connect to the same DB environment.

Change the URI's currently being used.  All new machines have different machine names.

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Jeremy.

Anthony Kesterton commented Mar 20 '13, 4:30 p.m.

Hi Jeremy

You may also want to consider using a proxy server, or managing the host name to ip address via DNS.  This will prevent you having to do a Server Rename in the future.

Are you able to give the machine names of the old servers to the new ones?


Jeremy Cardon commented Jul 16 '13, 4:56 p.m.

So we actually did what you questioned at the end.  We renamed the new servers to the old server names and moved the contents over.  Once we did that we were able to upgrade to WAS and start everything up.

Accepted answer

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Sandy Grewal (1.6k1223) | answered Mar 20 '13, 4:12 p.m.
The Server Rename section in the Help is a good starting point to plan a Server rename:

In short you would be copying over the configuration file and indexes to the new machine and following the Server Rename steps. Of course doing tests in a Staging environment and making appropriate backups of DB, configuration files and indexes.
Jeremy Cardon selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Jim Ruehlin (79114) | answered Mar 20 '13, 5:05 p.m.
 I strongly recommend against changing the public URIs. Prior to CLM 4.x (2012) it was impossible to change these.

As of 4.x the only way to change the public URI is to use the Server Rename feature and that can have baggage. For example you can't re-use the old URL on some other system, it needs to be retired. Server Rename doesn't actually rename anything, it translates the new URI to the old URI internally in real time so the data can still be accessed.

You could place everything behind a reverse proxy, then change the server names and map the original public URIs to the new reverse proxy. But this won't change the URL people (and the apps) need to use to access the data. You'll still navigate to the reverse proxy using the old public URI.

The best thing to do is to start by placing all your severs behind a reverse proxy to give you some internal flexibility in renaming servers. Unfortunately that's probably cold comfort to you right now. If you can live with the constraints of the Server Rename feature and you must change the URI then use that. Otherwise, you might want to keep your old servers and URI in place until the existing projects are mothballed, and start all new projects on your new servers/URI with a reverse proxy in place.

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