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How do I distinguish between changeset state change vs. change to an IVersionable?

kanjbala jawahar (601816) | asked Jan 26 '17, 10:50 a.m.
edited Feb 01 '17, 3:24 a.m.
I want to know if an IVersionable was altered or if just the state of the changeset was changed during a given timeframe.
Timeframe being, the time that I get from getLastChangeDate() compared to the last time that I looked at the given changeset.
Specifically, if the timestamp of the changeset has been modified, I want to know what caused it:
--changeset state change
--a change to an IVersionable

The documentation says, "This timestamp changes when the change set is created, closed or when the nested changes are altered in any way. "

Is there a way to programmatically find out if a change was made to just the state of the changeset vs. a change to an IVersionable associated with the given changeset?

I do not know if RTC API keeps track of the last modification time and type of each IChange (upto a limit, e.g., last three)? 
I understand there can be so many of these.
I am not aware of such granularity. But if there is, that would be helpful.

kanjbala jawahar commented Feb 01 '17, 3:25 a.m. | edited Feb 01 '17, 3:27 a.m.

Waiting to hear some resolution/idea on the above question.

Ralph Schoon commented Feb 01 '17, 4:23 a.m. | edited Feb 01 '17, 4:24 a.m.

 If you want to enable yourself, start here: then try to figure the API out from examples on the blog (tagged scm and linked from the interesting links page). Otherwise you can hope someone can answer such specific deep API questions or you play with the API and dig into the SDK based on hints in said blog posts and googling. I don't believe anyone can answer such a question without investing a considerable amount of time.

kanjbala jawahar commented Feb 01 '17, 10:00 a.m.

 Hello Ralph,

Thank you for responding. 
I am not a novice of extending RTC API. I have done my share--which has been quite a bit.
I have dug into this issue quite a bit and could not find a solution.
I was wondering if just changing the state of a changeset should change the timestamp? Just as the current API doesn't change the timestamp when I edit the changeset comment, maybe changing the state could also fall into the same category?
Or maybe there is a better solution. I'll keep looking as well.

Ralph Schoon commented Feb 01 '17, 10:06 a.m.

 Hi Kanjbala,

I don't know. I have looked into the SCM API but not too deep. The SCM API seems also to be the most complex and concealed. My thoughts so far is that a change set can change as long as it is not completed and the SCM does not track these changes. Once it is completed, it can not be changed and then RTC only tracks where the change set is to recreate the files. So I don't know what happens to these dates. Be aware that there is new capabilities in 6.0.x and that some of the data you might look at might not even be populated/used in the database. 

Ralph Schoon commented Feb 01 '17, 10:11 a.m.

 Also consider that the comment or linked artifacts is not something that changes the change set. The change set should only change if new changes are added or the change set is completed. I would not think that changing a comment or link is something that is tracked by the change set itself.

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