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Get connection data from Client for Eclipse IDE usin Java APIs RTC 4.0

Piotr Kinowski (11122) | asked Mar 04 '13, 5:45 a.m.
It is possible to get login, password and repository URI that are stored in Client for Eclipse IDE? I'm writing plugin for Eclipse that uses API's and I want to get this data to connect with repository. It will be very helpfull to get this data from Client and not doing this separately.

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 04 '13, 6:16 a.m.

you can not get the password as far as I can tell. However, if you work in Eclipse and that is connected, dependent on what data you have, you can use the current connection. See

In the first and second example you get data from a view and can act on that without having to log in again. In  example 2 they get a handle and can get at the ITeamrepository by using (ITeamRepository) hanlge.getOrigin().

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Piotr Kinowski (11122) | answered Mar 05 '13, 4:13 a.m.
Unfortunately, the examples do not help me too much because I do not have access to the elements of which I could get handlle and thus to the repository.
Is it possible to get from Client list of repositories and use existing current connection with repository?

Ralph Schoon commented Mar 05 '13, 7:05 a.m.

I am pretty sure you can't get at the password of the user. I am pretty sure it is possible to get the connection if you live in Eclipse, but I haven't tried to find out how.

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