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DB2 Enterprise Edition licence with Rational Team Concert

Sany Maamari (13243751) | asked Feb 11 '13, 6:07 a.m.
 Hello All,

I'm trying to use a licenced Jazz plateform (20 RTC and a few RQM) with DB2 entreprise Edition. 
It is said in that we are allowed to use a DB2 Entreprise Edition with any Jazz licences. 
My question is, where or how can we find this licence. 
For the moment my DB2 database is in Trial. 

Thanks for the help,

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Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered Feb 11 '13, 8:08 a.m.

We got from IBM the Softwarekit for DB2 9.7.0 ESE. There ist the license key file included and automatically loaded during install.

If you directly install the DB2 9.7.7 Fixpack, you have to load afterwards the license file from the DB2 9.7.0 ESE kit with the DB2 license manager tool.

Following File we got initialy from IBM:     DB2_ESE_97_Win_x86-64.exe
The license file is in: DB2_ESE_97_Win_x86-64\ESE\image\db2\license
The name of the license file is: db2ese.lic

Sany Maamari commented Feb 12 '13, 9:42 a.m.


I've looked into this directory and got only trial licences. 
could you tell me where I can download your DB2 file ? 

Thanks for your help

Guido Schneider commented Feb 12 '13, 11:15 a.m. | edited Feb 12 '13, 11:30 a.m.

Because I'm a customer I'm not allowed to send you my license file.

The DB2 SW kit on is a demo kit without the license. You have to get in contact with your sales guy to get the correct SW kit.

A good improvement for this would be, if IBM would add DB2 to your passport, together with your RTC licenses, so you can download it from there.

Wrote an enhancement request:Enhancement 251607

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