Link subprocess with another business process diagram.
What is the correct way to link a subprocess with another business process diagram?
I'm clicking on the subprocess and selecting the option "Link to another artifacts". So I chose the "Embeds" link type and create the link. Ok, it works...the link is created. But when I pass the mouse on the subprocess, I can not see the link. Only when I open the "Links" tab is possible see the relation.
What am I doing wrong?
Fabian Lomeli
JAZZ DEVELOPER May 09 '13, 5:41 p.m.The rich hover when in edit mode was removed. See Remove element rich hover in edit mode (37054) is it the case?
What is the version you are using? is this problem in edit or view mode?
Taly Hotimsky
May 16 '14, 11:26 a.m.I had the same question and found this post, which didn't really answer me.
I'm using CLM 4.0.3.
As Luiz I was looking for a "best manner" recommendation.
Differently from artifacts embedded into text artifacts, indicating the subprocess is embedded doesn't provide controls to expand/collapse that content without navigating away from the main artifact.
The plus icon on the subprocess element is not clickable as well.
And the rich-hover (on read-only mode) only displays the linked process name, not drawing.
So, from the options tried, I couldn't find a way to display the subprocess integrated to the process (as you would on BlueWorksLive, for instance).
Is there a way to do so?