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Sandbox not refreshing in RTC Shell and Eclipse Client?

Sean Burke (3789144247) | asked Jan 31 '13, 2:40 p.m.

In what I though was bug turned out to be a performance issue but one that we really need to address.  The issue is at the bottom of the paragraph but I wanted to run through the scenario. 

There is an issue with a new file added to a stream showing up in the Shell Client. 

I have a file (File A) that I added in the Web Client logged in  as user “1”

I see the file is added because on the history tab there is a revision

I go the eclipse client logged in as user "1"

I go the stream right click on the stream say show repository files.  The file is there. It shows up in my pending changes vew It is in the stream

I go the RTC Shell client where I am logged in as user "2"   I don't see File A.  I should see this as an incoming change with an arrow to the left.  I manually refresh the sandbox numerous times.  Still don't see File A.  User 2 needs to bring this into his sandbox.

User 2 added File B into the same folder.  User 2 created a task and delivers.  The File B shows up in the steam in the webclient but not in the pending changes view for user 1 in the eclipse client.

Security is the same for User 1 and User 2, they both have the role of team member in the simple process

In our implementation probably 1000+ non techincal users will be using the shell client.  Can someone help me out with what is going wrong.

After typing all this the changes did just show up now.  15 minutes later (too long).  In the Shell Client the file did not show up in the folder but there was an arrow to left.  After I refreshed the file did show up and I could accept.  So my question now is, is there a way to be able to refresh changes manually in the shell and eclipse client or do changes from another user take 15 minutes plus to show up?

Lakshmi Narasimhan T V commented Jan 31 '13, 11:40 p.m. | edited Feb 01 '13, 12:31 a.m.

Two clarifications,
If there is a incoming changeset which brings in a new file, the arrow shows up on the file's parent folder. The file won't be there yet. Only after doing an accept on the folder, the new file would show up under the folder. Is that what you observed?
When you did a refresh on the sandbox in Shell client, did you do it via the context menu or Pending Changes view? To get to the  Pending Changes view in explorer, click on View > Explorer Bar > Team Concert Pending changes view.
In either case, refreshing a sandbox does not refresh remote changes. To refresh remote changes, such as the multi-user case you're describing, you need to open the Pending Changes View and choose Refresh Remote Changes from the toolbar. It is programmed in the Shell Client to refresh remote changes every minute, but for some reason it doesn't appear to be doing that for you.

Lakshmi Narasimhan T V commented Jan 31 '13, 11:53 p.m.

I am trying to reproduce this scenario.

Lakshmi Narasimhan T V commented Feb 05 '13, 11:40 p.m. | edited Feb 05 '13, 11:54 p.m.

I tried this scenario. Logged in as user1 in webclient and added a folder. In the shell client (logged in as user1), the change appeared in a minute or so as an incoming changeset. Repeated the above use case by logging as user2 in webclient. I am able to see a incoming changeset in the shell client without refreshing.

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