IndexDataCollectorTask todo.png

Build basis: 6.0.5

JFS Index Information

This provides the results of the server diagnostics which by default runs every 70 minutes. This is useful to track the status of the periodic execution of server This provides the index size and index queue information for the rdf and text index used by DNG and DM. Index information is provided for RDF Live, RDF History, Text Live and Text History indices. This is useful to track the size of the index and indirectly help with determining the optimal RAM and JVM Heap memory for the system.

Advanced Property

You enable this bean by setting Enable Index Data Metrics MBean to true

Object Name<<contextRoot>>, 

Default Frequency for Publishing

60 Minutes


Attribute Description Type
indexRemainingTime An estimate of remaining time to finish to processing the indexing operation in milliseconds Long
creationTimeStamp This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data Timestamp
host This is the host name where the CLM application is running String
port This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. int
contextRoot This is the application root context for the CLM application String
nodeId This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered String
Domain This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published String
indexName This is the name of the jfs index for the application String
indexFormatType This is type of index. Values are RDF or TEXT String
indexAvailability This reflects the current state of the index. The values are AVAILABLE, SUSPENDED, SUSPENDING, RESUMING, ABORTED, UNCONNECTABLE, RECOVERING or MIGRATION_IN_PROGRESS String
indexSize This is the size on disk of the specific jfs index in bytes Long
indexLastProcessed The timestamp of the last resource indexed by this indexer Date
indexLastReceived The timestamp of the last resource added to the index queue of this indexer Date
indexDataType This is type of data in the index. Values are HISTORY or LIVE String
indexBacklog The number of items waiting to be indexed Integer

Related topics: Common Managed Beans

This topic: Deployment > WebHome > DeploymentMonitoring > CLM605MXBeans > Common605Beans > IndexDataCollectorTask
History: r2 - 2018-09-13 - 14:18:07 - Main.syeshin
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