Features that make EWM, a trusted SCM enterprise solution

In this article, We will continue to focus on our own built-in SCM advanced capabilities and advantage that our customers want, but at the same time useful and as enterprise.

The Jazz Source Control (SCM) in a way that is familiar to a developers and would would like emphasis the benfits of our Advanced capabalities and showcases that our Jazz SCM different then systems like CVS and SVN and describe how to make user of the of Jazz SCM  to complement as enterprise solutions

– EWM SCM Strengths and traceability 

– SCM Storage Model Workflow Hierarchy to safe guard the developer code in different stages.

– Large files can be stored in an external content store

You can now configure the EWM application server to store files that are larger than a specified size outside the default database. The external content repository can be configured as a folder on the server’s local file system, or it can point to a WebDAV server. To configure an external content repository, edit the properties on the Advanced Properties page in the administrative web client.

You can move content between content repositories by using a repository tools (repotools) command.

For details, see Enabling an external content repository for source control.

– Developer Best Practices to safeguard the critical source code?

– Changeset Best Practices

– Different stages of Changeset lifecycle in pending changes and purpose to ease the developer activity.

– Advanced changeset features and usage

– Component Best Practices to control & isolate the development activity

                   *         Unique Component Names: 1) Server Settings and Project specific precondition.

–  Advanced component features & Purpose

Split Component:

•Split components within the project area. Move and rename tracking
There is full support for tracking file renames and moves, in addition to support for merging structural conflicts.

Capability to export and import components between servers.

•Migrating component into a different server with history.



– Graphical Baseline View

Our developers create a large number of change sets in order to fix a single defect or to implement a new task. When we promote the developer’s changes to the integration stream, The goal is to introduce a new graphical view that shows a component’s baselines across multiple streams, in order to see a big picture view of how the streams evolved and how they interact, and see relevant events. 

– Stream Best Practices to isolate & control the development stages of SCM data

– Advanced Stream Governance features control the source code between multiple teams.

– Baseline\Snapshots Best Practices, Milestone to safe guard the SCM code and usage for developer activity.

– Operational History Best Practices

– Distributed SCM capabilities to collaborate Version source code between two CCM applications.


Why do we need Distributed SCM ( Between Two CCM Servers)

•Collaboration of source code with history from a different sites.
•Sharing version controlled source code with history between two different GEO teams.

For more information

About the author

Arun K Sriramaiah has more than 15 years of experience in IBM Tools and DevOps. Can be contacted at arusrira@in.ibm.com

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