Jazz Library Workarounds and Limitations: Known issues in IBM Engineering Test Management 7.0.2
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Workarounds and Limitations: Known issues in IBM Engineering Test Management 7.0.2

The following known problems are related to this release.


The following problems in this release have workarounds:


The following problems in this release do not currently have workarounds:


BIRT reports, data warehouse-based reports, and dashboard widgets do not show the customized names of the execution states

First occurrence

IBM Engineering Test Management (ETM) supports customization of execution states for test case results, test suite results, and test script step results. You can customize the names of the execution states under the Execution States section in the Manage Project Properties > Properties tab. After you customize an execution state, the change is shown in the ETM web user interface for test case results, test suite results, and test script step results. Verdicts, points, test script step counts, and test case counts now show the customized names of the execution states. However, the BIRT reports, data warehouse-based reports, and dashboard widgets do not show the customized names of the execution states. Instead, the default names of the execution states are shown on these reports and widgets.

Follow these approaches:
  • You can create and use the Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE) based reports since LQE-based reports show the customized names of the execution states.
  • Use the following dashboard widgets that show the customized names of the execution states:
    • Execution Status By Points
    • Execution Status By Number Of Steps
    • Test Artifact
    • Test Statistics
    • Test Matrix
    • Team Execution Status for Test Cases
    • Team Execution Status for Test Suites
    • Test Suite Execution Status
Related information
Work item 183291

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Configuration Management is enabled for a project area in ETM 7.0.2 after updating the OSLC Link/Attribute Mapping section of the project area


First occurrence




There are two variants of this issue:

  • Variant 1: Configuration management disabled project areas with the OSLC Link/Attribute Mapping project property (Manage This Project Area >> Uncategorized >> OSLC Link/Attribute Mapping) updated in ETM 6.0 – ETM 7.0.1 are configuration management enabled after upgrading to ETM 7.0.2.
  • Variant 2: Configuration management disabled project areas created in ETM 7.0.2 are configuration management enabled after updating the OSLC Link/Attribute Mapping project property (Manage This Project Area >> Uncategorized >> OSLC Link/Attribute Mapping).


Refer to Configuration Management is enabled for a project area in ETM 7.0.2 after updating the OSLC Link/Attribute Mapping section of the project area for more information and work around.

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Flash note

Defect 189874
Defect 537098

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Warning message for projects that are using the legacy local work item provider

First occurrence

IBM Engineering Test Management (ETM) previously supported a legacy local work item provider, which was deprecated in the Rational Quality Manager 6.0 release and will be removed in a future release. In the ETM version 7.0.2, if a project area is using the legacy local work item provider, the following warning message is displayed on the header of the screen:

This project area is using a legacy local work item provider, Engineering Test Management (ETM) that is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. The IBM Rational ClearQuest Synchronizer integration with ETM is also deprecated as that requires ETM to act as a legacy local work item provider. For more information about supported work item providers, contact IBM Support.

Note: This warning message cannot be dismissed.

Contact IBM Support to learn about other supported work item providers.

Related information
Story 186848
Task 135518

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Inconsistent encoding and decoding for ETM Reportable REST API URLs with project aliases, external IDs, and query parameter values

First occurrence


In the ETM 7.0.2 release, to centralize the encoding and decoding schemes to resolve issues due to the existing inconsistent encoding schemes in ETM, the x-www-form-urlencoded encoding scheme is applied on the project alias, external ID, and query parameter value that can be placed as a segment on the URL.

The change affects the following cases:
  • Project area aliases with URL-reserved characters
  • External IDs with URL-reserved characters
  • Query parameter values
When the project alias, external ID, or query parameter value is part of a URL parameter, the entire parameter value must be encoded as is often used in encoding the parameter value for HTML form submission through GET or POST by using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded W3 Forms content type.

For example, if you were using the following ETM Reportable REST API URL to set the fields parameter in the ETM 7.0.1 release or earlier:
https://<host>:<port>/<context root>/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/A+%2B+B/testplan?fields=feed/entry/content/testplan/testcase[@href='https://<host>:<port>/<context root>/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/A+%2B+B/testcase/testcase2?oslc_config.context=_2QCggKblEeq_g_5OO_ryVA']

The ETM Reportable REST API URL now must be constructed in the following way where the value of fields is x-www-form-urlencoded:
https://<host>:<port>/<context root>/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/A+%2B+B/testplan?fields=feed%2Fentry%2Fcontent%2Ftestplan%2Ftestcase%5B%40href%3D%27https%3A%2F%2F<host>%3A<port>%2F<context root>%2Fservice%2Fcom.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService%2Fresources%2FA%2B%252B%2BB%2Ftestcase%2Ftestcase2%3Foslc_config.context%3D_2QCggKblEeq_g_5OO_ryVA%27%5D

For more information, see Project Alias.

Note: All the ETM Reportable REST API consumers, such as integrations and utilities, must validate, check, and possibly refactor the calls to the ETM Reportable REST API based on the information that is provided in this workaround to determine the size and upgrade costs.

Related information
Work item 183615

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You cannot open a test case execution record when the associated test plan is restored from the archived state

First occurrence


When you try to open a test case execution record in the editor, the following error is displayed:

Unable to retrieve the specified com.ibm.rqm.execution.TestcaseExecutionRecord. A test phase for this iteration &amp; plan already exists.

The problem occurs if the following conditions are met:
  • A test case execution record is associated with a test plan and iteration.
  • The test plan is archived after you created a test case execution record.
  • The test plan is restored.
Complete the following steps:
  1. Open the Test Schedules section in the test plan.
  2. Click Clear to remove all the test schedules from the test plan and save the test plan.
  3. Add the test schedule again and save the test plan.

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Deprecated features in 7.0.1

First occurrence

The following features are deprecated in the 7.0.1 release and will be removed in future releases:

  • TRS 1.0 API

The TRS 1.0 API is deprecated and replaced by the TRS 2.0 API. For more information, see TRS 1.0 API.

  • ETM Reportable REST API

The remotescript (non-manual test script) and testscript (manual test script) resource types are deprecated.
The workitem (work item) resource type is deprecated and replaced by Engineering Workflow Management. For more information, see Rational Team Concert 3.0 SDK.

  • OSLC Automation API

The com.ibm.rqm.buildintegration.BuildDefinition (build plan) and com.ibm.rqm.buildintegration.BuildRecord (build result) resource types in the rqm_build context are deprecated.

  • IBM RQM Mobile Application

The RQM Mobile Application is deprecated. The Android and Windows versions of the application, versions 5.x and 6.x are supported. IBM Engineering Test Management Mobile Application is not available for versions 7.0.3 and later. For more information, see IBM RQM Mobile Application Deprecation .

Note: The iOS version of the RQM Mobile Application is no longer supported.

  • ETM Word/Excel Importer Utility 32-bit version

The 32-bit version of the ETM Word/Excel Importer Utility is deprecated.

The following are the workarounds for the deprecated features:

  • TRS 1.0 API

Instead of using the TRS 1.0 API, use the TRS 2.0 API. For more information, see TRS 2.0.

  • ETM Reportable REST API

Instead of using remotescript and testscript resource types, use the executionscript resource type, which covers both resource types. For more information, see Resource Objects and their Relationships.
Instead of using workitem resource type for linking, use the ETM OSLC QM V2 API.

  • OSLC Automation API

Instead of using the com.ibm.rqm.buildintegration.BuildDefinition and com.ibm.rqm.buildintegration.BuildRecord resource types, use the com.ibm.rqm.buildintegration.BuildDefinition and com.ibm.rqm.buildintegration.BuildRecord resource types in the qm_rqm context. For more information, see rqm_qm:BuildRecord and rqm_qm:BuildDefinition.

  • IBM RQM Mobile Application

Instead of using the RQM Mobile Application for offline test execution, use the offline test execution capability in the ETM web UI. For more information, see Offline execution.

  • ETM Word/Excel Importer Utility 32-bit version

Instead of using the 32-bit version of the ETM Word/Excel Importer Utility, use the 64-bit version of the ETM Word/Excel Importer Utility. For more information, see Installing the Word Excel Importer.

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Work item 184276
Work item 85647
Work item 163725
Work item 181031
Work item 179174

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The clmhelp.war file and the updateSite.zip for release 7.0.2 are unavailable for download

First occurrence

The clmhelp.war file and the updateSite.zip file for release 7.0.2 are unavailable for download due to technical issues.

You can install the KCCI.zip file on your intranet server to view the help locally. Click here  to download the ELM702_KCCI_contents.zip file.

For information about installing the KCCI.zip file, see the Installing help on an intranet server topic.

Related information
Work Item 59952

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ETM projects that contain a ‘+’ character in their names cannot be connected to external tools when the ETM server is configured via proxies

First Occurrence

ETM projects that contain a '+' character in their names might not be reachable by using the project area alias when the ETM server is configured via proxies. Some external utilities, tools, and execution adapters that use project area alias might not work for these projects.

The following utilities, tools, and execution adapters are affected because of the connection issue:

  • URL Utility
  • Reportable REST API
  • Copy Utility
  • Copy Project Properties Utility
  • Excel Importer Utility
  • Command-line adapter
  • JUnit Selenium adapter

You can connect the utilities and tools to the projects by using the project area item UUID instead of the project area alias or the project area name.


Related information
Work Item 188119

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ETM projects that contain a ‘+’ character in their names cannot be connected to external tools when the ETM server is configured via proxies

First Occurrence

ETM Projects that contain a '+' character in their names might not be reachable via the project area alias when the ETM server is configured via proxies. Some external utilities, tools, and execution adapters that use project area alias might not work for these projects.

The following utilities, tools, and execution adapters are affected because of the connection issue:

  • URL Utility
  • Reportable REST API
  • Copy Utility
  • Copy Project Properties Utility
  • Excel Importer Utility
  • Command-line adapter
  • JUnit Selenium adapter

The following utilities and tools are connected to these projects via the project area item UUID instead of project area alias or project area name:

  • URL Utility
  • Reportable REST API
  • Copy Utility
  • Copy Project Properties Utility

Related information
Work Item 188119

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Test Case execution order is not honoured when running a Test Suite Offline

First occurrence

When you select the Run this suite in a sequence option in the Test Cases section of the test suite editor, and execute a Test Suite or Test Suite Execution Record using the Run Offline option, the test case result tabs in the spreadsheet might not be displayed in the same order as in the web UI when the related .rqms file is imported into Microsoft Excel using the ETM Excel Importer Utility.

1. Create a PDF report in ETM or a LQE-based report in Report Builder of the test suite and its test cases.
2. Use this report along with the imported .rqms file to see the sequence of test cases in the Test Suite.

Related information

Work item 191650

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Test suite snapshot may fail if ETM process contains obsolete configuration

First occurrence

When you create snapshot of a test suite, the action might fail if there is an obsolate process configuration. An error message: The participant com.ibm.rqm.execution.service.snapshotTestSuiteExecutionRecords is not valid for the operation com.ibm.rqm.planning.testsuite.snapshot might be displayed.


  1. Complete these steps:
  2. Connect to ETM project area using Eclipse client.
  3. Open the project area.
  4. Select Process Configuration Source tab.
  5. Search for the text: <operation id="com.ibm.rqm.planning.testplan.snapshot">
  6. Below that search for text: <followup-action description="Includes Test Suite Execution Record in Test Suite Snapshots" id="com.ibm.rqm.execution.service.snapshotTestSuiteExecutionRecords" name="TSER Snapshot Inclusion"/>
  7. Delete followup-action element.
  8. Save the change.

Related information
Work item 182931

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Execution Status by Owner using Weight (Live) widget reports incorrect weight values when you select the multivalued test case categories

First occurrence
The Execution Status by Owner using Weight (Live) widget reports execution status based on various parameters, such as Test Plan, Iteration, Test Environment, Test Case, Test Case Category Type, and Test Case Category Name. If you select a multivalued test case category, the Execution Status by Owner using Weight (Live) widget shows a wrong execution status because the Weight is calculated incorrectly.
When you select a multivalued test case category, do not use the Execution Status by Owner using Weight (Live) widget. Instead, use the Execution Status by Points widget, which works on saved queries. The Execution Status by Points widget shows the correct execution status, even if you select a multivalued test case category.
To create a query, complete the following steps:
  1. Go to Execution > Browse > Test Case Execution Records.

  2. Click the Change column display settings icon.

  3. Select the query parameters that you want, such as Test Plan, Iteration, Test Environment, Test Case, and the name of a test category that is defined in the Manage Project Properties > Artifacts Categories page.

  4. Click the Save icon.

  5. Select Query Type as Shared and click OK.

To configure the Execution Status by Points widget for a QM project, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the project dashboard and add the Execution Status by Points widget.

  2. Click Select test artifact query.

  3. Select a Project from the available project areas.

  4. Select Test Case Execution Record from the Artifact type list.

  5. Select a Query from the available shared queries.

  6. Select Owner from the Grouping attribute list.

  7. Click OK.

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Deprecated features in 7.0

First occurrence

The screen capture tool and Filter By Tree view are not available in release 7.0.


  • To capture the screen, use either OS supported screen capture or other external tools.
  • In place of Filter By Tree view, use alternative browse views.
Related information
Work item 181053
Work item 182938
Work item 182940

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Execution Status by Iteration using TCER Count (Live) widget reports incorrect test case results count when you select the multi-valued

test case categories
First occurrence

The Execution Status by Iteration using TCER Count (Live) widget reports execution status based on various parameters, such as Test Plan, Iteration, Test Environment, Test Case, Test Case Category Type, and Test Case Category Name. If you select a multi-valued test case category, the Execution Status by Iteration using TCER Count (Live) widget shows a wrong execution status because the Count is calculated incorrectly.

When you select a multi-valued test case category, do not use the Execution Status by Iteration using TCER Count (Live) widget. Instead, complete the following steps to build a report in the Jazz Reporting Service's Report Builder component:

  1. Go to the Choose data tab.
    1. Choose a report type by using the following steps:
      1. Set Data source as Lifecycle Query Engine
      2. Select the Current Data (table or graph) radio button.
      3. Click Continue.
    2. Limit the scope by using the following steps:
      1. Select the project name.
      2. Click Continue.
    3. Choose an artifact by using the following steps:
      1. Select QM Test Plan under the Quality Management section.
      2. Click Continue.
    4. Trace relationships and add artifacts by using the following steps:
      1. Add the following relationship: QM Test Plan > Reported By > QM Test Execution Record > Current Test Case Result > QM Test Result
      2. Select the Enable multiple paths or add other source artifacts checkbox.
      3. Add an artifact of QM Test Plan: QM Test Plan > Reported By > QM Test Execution Record > Test Schedule > Test Phase
      4. Continue Continue.
    5. Set conditions by using the following steps:
      1. Select attributes of QM Test Plan
      2. Choose the Id attribute.
  2. Go to the Format Results tab.
    1. Go to the Table section.
      1. Remove all the existing rows.
      2. Add the Iteration attribute from Test Phase.
      3. Add Calculated Value for QM Test Result's supported status by using the following steps:
        1. Choose a calculation as Count of number of artifacts.
        2. Choose all or Limit.
        3. Choose an attribute as status.
        4. Choose limiter values as status is and select the value. For example, to add Blocked status column, choose com.ibm.rqm.execution.common.state.blocked
        5. Rename the added column as required. For example, rename com.ibm.rqm.execution.common.state.blocked as Blocked.
    2. Go to the Graph section.
      1. Change the chart title as TCER count.
      2. Change the Y axis as Iteration.
      3. Change the X axis as Count.
      4. Select Add lines or bar segments from numeric measures and select all status.
      5. Continue Continue.
  3. Go to the Name and share tab.
    1. Specify Report name.
    2. Set Default visualization as Graph.
    3. Click Save.

Related information
Work Item 187339

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Full-text search indexes must be rebuilt when you upgrade to or later

First occurrence

In the release, the Apache Lucene full-text search engine was upgraded to a more recent version. This upgrade requires all existing full-text search indexes that were created in 6.0.6 or earlier to be rebuilt. Full-text search indexes must be rebuilt for both the CLM servers and the Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse IDE.

Typically, when you upgrade an installation by using the upgrade scripts, the full-text search indexes from the earlier installation are copied to the new installation. However, the upgrade scripts in and later do not copy previous indexes from version 6.0.6 or earlier (including interim fixes). Instead, the new server automatically rebuilds the indexes in the background after you start it. Results of full-text searches might be incomplete until the reindexing operation is finished; the progress of the reindex is periodically written to the server log file.

Alternatively, instead of allowing the server to rebuild full-text search indexes online, you can rebuild them manually by running the repotools-<app> -rebuildTextIndices command after the upgrade is complete, but before you start the server, where <app> is one of am, ccm, or qm. Note that reindexing might be a lengthy process and can take many hours for a large database. In the web client, a system alert in the banner states that reindexing is in progress.

If you follow a manual upgrade procedure instead of running the upgrade scripts, you must ensure that the full-text indexes are not copied from the old installation to the new installation. If the new installation is configured to use the same full-text index location as the old installation (the value of the com.ibm.team.fulltext.indexLocation property in the old and new teamserver.properties file is the same absolute path name), you must either run the repotools-<app> -rebuildTextIndices command before you start the server, or delete the contents of the folder at that location before you start the server. You might want to preserve the old contents if you decide to abandon the upgrade and roll back to the previous release.

If an application is clustered, the offline reindexing procedure (using repotools) or the online procedure (ensuring that the full-text index folder is empty before starting the server) must be performed on each node in the cluster.

The Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse maintains a local full-text search index for the Team Artifact History view. When you upgrade the Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse to version or later, the full-text search index is automatically deleted, which means the artifact history is cleared and will accumulate artifacts again after the upgrade.

For CLM servers, complete one of these steps:
  • For online background indexing, no action is required except to ensure that the full-text index folder is empty before you start the server
  • For offline indexing before you start the server, run the appropriate repotools-<app> -rebuildTextIndices command.
Related information
Work Item 467449

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In Report Builder, the Is Blocked attribute is no longer available for the QM Test Execution Record artifact type

First occurrence

When you generate reports in Report Builder, the Is Blocked attribute is no longer available for conditions or columns in reports on the QM Test Execution Record artifact type. The Is Blocked attribute is a Boolean flag that indicates whether the test execution record is blocked.

When you create a report in Report Builder, complete these steps:
  1. In the scope of the report, include the associated Change and Configuration Management (CCM) projects that contain defects that block test execution records.
  2. Add the Blocked By Work Item relationship property to the Defect work item. Then, test execution records in the report with one or more defects are considered blocked.
Related information
Work Item 179565

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Browser search does not work with the manual test script editor

First occurrence

When you use the browser search feature in a manual test script editor, the search feature works only for the text in the test script steps that are displayed. It cannot find a text in the test script steps that are not displayed on the page.

The scope of the browser search feature is to find all the text displayed on a page. To search for a text in the test script steps that are not displayed, scroll down to load the test script steps in the display before you use the browser search feature. To search for a text in the entire test script, scroll down to the last test script step.

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The Quality Management data source in LQE might register an invalid update when the QM server has a heavy load

First occurrence

When the Quality Management (QM) server is experiencing a heavy load, the Quality Management data source in Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE) might register an invalid update.

Complete these steps:
  1. Using a JazzAdmin account, go to https://<server>:<port>/qm/trsConsole.
  2. Click the resetEtags command.
  3. Wait for LQE to apply the changes.
Related information
Work Item 180212
Work Item 180302

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Multiple entries are shown for the same resource during a full-text search for some test artifact types

First occurrence

If you update a test artifact of the following types and run a full-text search for an updated resource, the resource is shown more than once in the Search Result page:

  • Build Record
  • Build Definition
  • Lab Resource
  • Test Cell

Originally, when you upgrade an installation by using the upgrade scripts, the full-text search indexes from the earlier installation are copied to the new installation. However, the upgrade scripts in versions and later do not copy previous indexes from 6.0.6 or the earlier versions including the interim fixes. Instead, the new server automatically rebuilds the indexes in the background after you start the server. Results of full-text searches might be incomplete until the reindexing operation is finished. The progress of the reindex is periodically written to the server log file.

Alternatively, instead of allowing the server to rebuild full-text search indexes online, you can rebuild them manually by running the repotools-qm -rebuildTextIndices command after the upgrade is complete, but before you start the server. For more information, see Repository tools command to rebuild text indexes.

Note that reindexing might be a lengthy process and might take many hours for a large database. It is preferred to follow the online background indexing procedure.

As a workaround to the problem, complete one of the following steps:

  • For online background indexing, no action is required except to ensure that the full-text index folder is empty before you start the server.
  • For offline indexing before you start the server, run the repotools-qm -rebuildTextIndices command.

Related information
Work item 183801

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Rich-text data is not rendered correctly in Mozilla Firefox

First occurrence

Sometimes, rich-text data in rich-text sections of Rational Quality Manager (presently known as IBM Engineering Test Management), such as the Test Case Design section, is not rendered correctly in Mozilla Firefox. This issue occurs because, if rich-text data has a depth of more than 200 nodes, Mozilla Firefox prunes the DOM elements which can cause missing data.

Use either Google Chrome or Microsoft Internet Explorer, or complete the following steps to make the text render correctly in Mozilla Firefox:
  1. Open the rich-text section.
  2. Click the Edit pencil icon to open the rich-text editor. (If the rich-text editor also shows the same issue, use Chrome or Internet Explorer to open it.)
  3. Select all the content in the rich-text editor (press Ctrl+A).
  4. Cut the selected content (press Ctrl+X).
  5. Open a blank Microsoft Word document and paste the content into it (press Ctrl+V).
  6. Select all the content in the Word document (press Ctrl+A).
  7. Copy the selected content (press Ctrl+C).
  8. In the rich-text editor of the Rational Quality Manager rich-text section, paste the content (press Ctrl+V).
  9. Click the Preview icon to verify that the content is rendered correctly.
  10. Save the test artifact to save the content.
Related information
Work Item 170960
Mozilla bug: DOM pruned at depth 200   

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Rational Functional Tester scripts that point to a shared location don't run if the path has a trailing separator

First occurrence

If a Rational Functional Tester script is in a shared path, that path is added with a trailing separator to the Shared Resource Location section of the Rational Quality Manager (presently known as IBM Engineering Test Management) project properties, and the test script is included in the Resource section of a test plan, the test script doesn't run. When you run the script, the execution result is created with an error and this message is displayed in the result details: Could not run the script.

  1. In Rational Quality Manager, go to the Shared Resource Location section of Manage Project Properties.
  2. Remove the trailing separator character from all shared location paths.
Related information
Work Item 172115

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BIRT report 'Test Cases Impacted by Defects' reports on last result for test case/TCER but not test suite/TSER

First occurrence

BIRT report Test Cases Impacted by Defects produces accurate data when you execute the test from a test case or test case execution record but when the the test is executed from a test suite or test suite execution record, Test Cases Impacted by Defects does not produce accurate data. In such a case, the report section that is related to defects against the test suite and test suite result, are not accurate.

Do not use BIRT reporting. Instead, use LQE-based reporting in Report Builder. BIRT reporting might be removed in a future release.
Complete these steps:

  1. Follow IBM Knowledge Center instructions for Reporting on artifacts across projects with Report Builder.
  2. At step 5, choose the artifact as QM Test Suite and prepare required relationship with defect, that is, QM Test Suite -> Run By -> QM Test Suite Execution Record -> Current Test Suite Result -> QM Test Suite Result -> Reports on Test Plan -> QM Test Plan -> Related Work Item -> Defect.
  3. Run the report.
Related information
Work item 172363

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Snapshots of test plans with a large number of test artifacts might cause an error

First occurrence

When you create a snapshot of a test plan that has a large number of test artifacts, an error message such as 500: Unable to save snapshot for TestPlan might be displayed. The snapshot might be created successfully, but the error can occur if the session times out with an HTTP proxy server.

Increase the session timeout setting for the HTTP proxy server. In Rational Quality Manager (presently known as IBM Engineering Test Management), the default session timeout setting is 6 hours: consider increasing the timeout setting for the HTTP server to the same value.

Related information
Work Item 166727
Rational Quality Manager Default Session Timeout

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Licensing errors might occur if you upgrade the Java environment or upgrade applications to version 6.0.5 or later

First occurrence


If you upgrade your version of Java to a fix pack that was built after April 2017, or you upgrade an application to version 6.0.5 or later and are using WebSphere Liberty, licensing errors might occur. The errors occur because earlier licenses were signed with the MD5 algorithm, which is now blocked by newer versions of Java.

For example, the License Key Management page for Jazz Team Server might display the following error in the Description field: CRJAZ1236I A development time license is being used. Similarly, the jts.log file might display the following error: CRJAZ0965I The file was not a valid server or client access license activation key.

The latest license files no longer contain the MD5 algorithm because IBM and Oracle Java introduced restrictions on JAR files that are signed with weak algorithms and keys.

The licenses in the IBM Rational License Key Center  (presently known as IBM License Key Center) were updated to use a different signature algorithm.

After you upgrade your server to version 6.0.5 or later, obtain the updated licenses from the IBM Rational License Key Center to replace your current licenses. If you previously used floating, token, or authorized user single install licenses, install their updated versions. Your existing user license assignments are kept during the installation of the updated licenses.

Important: If you are not upgrading all applications at the same time, you must apply an interim fix to the applications at earlier versions before you upgrade Jazz Team Server. The following interim fixes contain the compatible version of Java:
  • 6.0.4 interim fix 007 and later
  • 6.0.3 interim fix 010 and later
  • 6.0.2 interim fix 015 and later
  • No version of 5.0.2 contains a compatible Java version. For 5.0.2, complete the steps in the IBM Support flash article.
If you cannot apply the interim fix before the upgrade, upgrade Jazz Team Server and then complete the steps in the IBM Support flash article. If you do not apply the interim fix or complete the steps in the article, the internal licenses do not load on Jazz Team Server and the applications might experience issues.

To update your current license files, follow the instructions in the Interactive Upgrade Guide or complete the following steps based on the type of license:

For term (floating or authorized user) or token licenses:

Note: For token licenses, you are only required to download the jazztokens.zip file. You do not have to download the license.dat file because it does not contain changes.
  1. Log in to Jazz Team Server, go to jts/admin > Server > License Key Management and note all the licenses on the server.
  2. In IBM Rational License Key Center, under License Management, click Return Keys.
  3. Click the product link that you want to return the license keys for, and then click Return.
  4. After the license is returned, click Get Keys.
  5. Click the product link to generate licenses for.
  6. When prompted, provide the required information and click Generate.
  7. Download the  file that contains the new licenses.
  8. Log in to Jazz Team Server, go to Server > License Key Management and reimport the new license files.
  9. To add a license, click Add, accept the license agreement if you agree to its terms, and then complete the steps in the wizard.
For non-term floating and authorized user licenses:
  1. Log in to Jazz Team Server, go to jts/admin > Server > License Key Management and note all the licenses on the server.
  2. In IBM Rational License Key Center, go to View keys by host or View keys by user.
  3. Enter the information about the host or the user.
  4. Select the product to generate the license for.
  5. Click View Licenses for Selected Product Lines.
  6. Select the license and click View Details.
  7. Click Download Keys.
  8. Log in to Jazz Team Server, go to Server > License Key Management and reimport the new license files.
  9. To add a license, click Add, accept the license agreement if you agree to its terms, and then complete the steps in the wizard.
Note: If you imported trial licenses before the newer versions of Java were adopted, you might still receive errors in the jts.log file even after you import the updated licenses. For example, you might receive this error: CRJAZ0965I The file was not a valid server or client access license activation key. You can ignore these errors.

Related information
IBM Rational License Key Center
Interactive Upgrade Guide
Oracle release note: Restrict JARs signed with weak algorithms and keys

Back to top

The PDF print job generates an incorrect PDF file in projects that contain a '+' character in their names

First occurrence

When you run a PDF print job in a project that contains a '+' character in its name, an incorrect PDF file is generated.

Select true from the Enable Project Area Item ID Mode property in Advanced Properties.

Related information
Work Item 184286

Back to top

Command-line adapter cannot connect to the QM server by using smart card authentication

First occurrence

If you use the command-line adapter to connect to the Quality Management (QM) server, smart card authentication does not work.

Complete these steps:
  1. Update the Java SDK to IBM 1.6 SR12 or later.
  2. In the IBMJavaInstall\jre\lib\security directory, locate the java.security file.
  3. In the java.security file, change "keystore.type=jks" to "keystore.type=Windows-MY".
  4. Locate the following content:

  5. Replace that content with the following content:

Related information
Work Item 156232

Back to top

Deleting the default component configuration of a project causes major issues in ETM

First occurrence

Deleting the default component configuration of a project causes the following major issues in ETM:

  • IBM Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) cannot be integrated.
  • Execution adapters, such as Command Line Adapter cannot be connected.
  • Utilities, such as the ETM Copy Utility and ETM Excel Importer Utility fail to operate.
  • The OSLC QM API service provider document cannot be resolved (404 Not Found).
  • ETM resources are not displayed in the Report Builder when you select the configuration management enabled LQE data source and configuration management enabled project to generate a new report.

The deleted default component configuration can be restored to resolve these issues. In addition, complete the following steps to display ETM resources in the Report Builder:

  • Update the configuration, for example, change the description (required for RQM and earlier versions)
  • Run Reset Etags in the TRS Console.

Note: This workaround does not work for existing configuration management enabled projects where the default component configuration has been scrubbed.

Related information
Work item 182849

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JUnit Selenium test scripts cannot be created or saved if the classpath is larger than 1000 characters

First occurrence

You cannot create or save a JUnit Selenium test script with a classpath larger than 1000 characters.

Steps to reproduce the problem:
  1. Browse to Construction > Create test script.
  2. Change the test script type to JUnit Selenium.
  3. Name the test script and, in the Test Class field, enter the Selenium test class name.
  4. In the Classpath field, provide a value that is larger than 1000 characters.
  5. Save the test script.

Complete the steps for the application server that you use.

IBM WebSphere Application Server
  1. Stop the CLM/QM server.
  2. Set the system property as follows: "-Dcom.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.RdbRepositoryDataMediator.skipValidationOnSaveItemInTxn=true". For details about setting the system property, see Setting generic JVM arguments in the WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Liberty profile.
  3. Start the CLM/QM server.
Apache Tomcat
  1. Stop the CLM/QM server.
  2. Set the system property as follows: "-Dcom.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.RdbRepositoryDataMediator.skipValidationOnSaveItemInTxn=true". For details about setting the system property, see System Properties.
  3. Start the CLM/QM server.
Related information
Work Item 154265

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In the Reconcile Requirements wizard, filtering for requirements only returns results for requirements on the current page

First occurrence

When you reconcile requirement collections in test plans and then filter for requirements, the filter returns results for only the requirements that are displayed on the current page.

To filter on all available requirements, select one of the following options:
  • For Number of Items Per Page, select Display all.
  • Manually go through the pages in the table and perform the filter.
Related information
Work Item 140715

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Some reports do not open when you click the widget header on the dashboard

First occurrence

If the Tester Report using Weight or Tester Report using TCER count widgets are added to the dashboard, and you click either widget header to open the report, an error is displayed about a missing report descriptor. Clicking the widget header should open the report page to a detailed view. However, these two reports were deployed with an incorrect report descriptor, which causes the error.

Complete these steps to update the report resources with the correct identifier:
  1. Go to Reports > Report Resources.
  2. Click the Tester Report using Weight report, specify testerWeight.Report for the identifier, and save the report.
  3. Click the Tester Report using TCER count report, specify tester.Report for the identifier, specify Tester Report using TER Count for the report name, and save the report.
Related information
Work Item 171987

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Work item queries that contain test artifact links cannot be created or edited in the Rational Team Concert Eclipse client

First occurrence

Work item queries for Task-Review work items that contain test artifact links cannot be created or edited in the Rational Team Concert Eclipse client.

Test artifact links:
  • Blocking Test Execution Record
  • Related Test Case
  • Related Test Script
  • Related Test Suite
  • Test Case
  • Test Plan
  • Test Suite
  • Test Suite Result
  • Test Case Result
Create and edit the queries in the Rational Quality Manager (presently known as IBM Engineering Test Management) web client (https://<host>:<port>/<context root>/console/<project area name>#action=com.ibm.team.workitem.viewWelcome).

Related information
Work Item 141552

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Export Details and Export Comprehensive options of the Export PDF menu for test plans consume a large amount of server memory

First occurrence

Test plans are associated with test cases. The test plans might also be associated with test suites, test case execution records, test suite execution records, test case results, and test suite results. When you select the Export Comprehensive option from the Export PDF menu for a test plan, the PDF export job includes all the associated artifacts for comprehensive exporting. The output files are merged into a large PDF file. This export job consumes a large amount of server memory that can cause out of memory exceptions.

The similar problem can also occur when you select the Export Details option from the Export PDF menu for a test plan.

To avoid consuming the critical amount of server memory, you can follow any of the following approaches:

  • Disable the PDF export details and PDF export comprehensive options of the Export PDF menu in the Artifact Export Preferences section under the Manage project Properties > Properties tab.
  • Increase the memory for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
  • Before you select the Export Details or Export Comprehensive option from the Export PDF menu for a test plan, check the number of test artifacts that are associated with the test plan.

Note: During internal testing, it was found that IBM Engineering Test Management (ETM) supports the Export Comprehensive option of the Export PDF menu for test plans that are associated with a maximum of 160,000 test artifacts when 8 GB or more of the JVM memory is available.

Related information
Work item 185979

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Extra resources are published in the ETM Resources (TRS 2.0) feed when you enable the baseline only mode in a project area

First occurrence

Extra resources for the initial stream are published in the ETM Resources (TRS 2.0) feed when you enable the baseline only mode in a project area.

The following extra resources are published:

  • Selection resource for the initial stream
  • Configuration resource for the initial stream
  • Component resource

Complete the following steps to avoid including these extra resources:

  1. Go to https://<server>:<port>/qm/admin > TRS Feed Diagnostics > Validation.
  2. Click Validate and select the Resolve problems checkbox.
  3. Optional: Select the Reset incremental data checkbox to force a full validation.
  4. Click Validate now.

Related information
Work item 188159
Work item 519075

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Rational Integration Tester test scripts are not fully executed from test suites

First occurrence

If you use a test suite to execute a Rational Integration Tester test script, the execution never finishes and the progress bar stalls at 10% completion. However, you can use a test case to correctly execute the same Rational Integration Tester test script.

This issue is a known limitation in Rational Integration Tester 8.7.x that was corrected. Upgrade to Rational Integration Tester 9.0 or later.

Related information
Work Item 147345

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When requirement collection names are updated, the old name is still shown

First occurrence

This problem occurs when a test plan is associated with a requirement collection and the collection’s name is changed. If you open the test plan, go to the Requirement Collection Links section, and group by Requirement Collection, the old collection name is shown instead of the updated name.

Complete these steps:
  1. Open the test plan in the test plan editor.
  2. Click Requirement Collection Links.
  3. Select all of the requirements and click the Reconcile Requirements in Collections icon.
Related information
Work Item 122853

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When you export a BIRT report to Microsoft Excel, you cannot open the new file in Excel

First occurrence

If you export a BIRT report to Microsoft Excel and try to open the new file in Excel, an error message about Problems During Load is shown. The resulting log file mentions XML ERROR in Table. This issue has been observed when reports include both a chart and a table.

Open the new file by using Apache OpenOffice Calc.

Related information
Work Item 124705

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Connection to the mobile client fails when the server has a self-issued SSL certificate that is signed by an internal certificate authority

First occurrence

When you use the Rational Quality Manager (presently known as IBM Engineering Test Management) mobile application, you might have difficulties connecting to the Quality Management server if the certificate that is used in your deployment is internally signed and not from a trusted certificate authority.

Follow the detailed guidance on the Jazz.net wiki.

Related information
Work Item 118526

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Text in the editor might be displayed in a language that is not installed

First occurrence

When you edit an artifact, some context menus, toolbar labels, and tooltips in the editor might be translated into the browser-preferred language even if that language is not selected in IBM Installation Manager during installation. In Rational Quality Manager (presently known as IBM Engineering Test Management), you might encounter this issue in these instances:
  • In rich text sections of artifacts, such as the Test Case Design, Business Objectives, and Test Suite Design sections
  • In custom rich text editor sections
  • In the test script editor when you edit steps
  • In execution steps when you run a test case execution record
This issue occurs because the editor provides its own language pack. If the matching language version is available, the editor is displayed in the user’s language. If not, the editor is displayed in the default language, which is most commonly English.

For consistently translated text in the editor, ensure that you select any required languages in IBM Installation Manager when you install the server. For an existing installation, you can modify the language selection in IBM Installation Manager.

Related information
Work Item 145943

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The reconciliation with requirement collections fails with a timeout error

First occurrence

This problem occurs only in environments where IBM HTTP Server is configured as a reverse proxy, typically in a cluster environment. In test plans in Rational Quality Manager (presently known as IBM Engineering Test Management), the reconciliation with requirement collections fails and responds with a server error. The reconciliation fails after a fixed period of time. In the details of the reconciliation failure, you might see one of two error messages:
  • Gateway Time-out The proxy server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server.
  • Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
In the plugin-cfg.xml file, within the <ServerCluster/> tags, set the ServerIOTimeout values to 0 so that the connection will not time out. For more information about the plugin-cfg.xml file, see the “Editing the Web server plugin_cfg.xml file for idle standby” and the “Server cluster” sections in Setting up servers for a basic high-availability configuration.

Related information
Work Item 105153
Reference topic: plugin-cfg.xml file (See the ServerIOTimeout section)
Setting up servers for a basic high-availability configuration

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Problems opening the Rational Quality Manager importer from Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word

First occurrence

In Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word, when you try to open the Rational Quality Manager (presently known as IBM Engineering Test Management) importer, the expected window might not open. This issue is related to the language setting of the computer. If the language is set to English, the importer works. In other languages, you might notice unexpected behavior, such as the importer window not opening.

Complete these steps:

Windows 7 operating systems
  1. Open the Control Panel and click Clock, Language, and Region > Change location.
  2. Change the format to English (United States).
  3. Change the location to United States.
Windows XP operating systems
  1. Open the Control Panel and click Regional and Language Options.
  2. Change the location to United States.
  3. Change the standards and formats to English (United States).
Related information
Work Item 101602

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TCERs cannot be generated for a large number of test cases at one time

First occurrence

If you have a large number of test cases, such as over 500, the following method of generating test case execution records does not work reliably:
  1. Browse to Planning > Create test plan.
  2. In the Test Cases section, add a large number of test cases (for example, 1000), and save the test plan.
  3. Select all the test cases and generate test case execution records.
Complete the steps for the application server that you use.

IBM WebSphere Application Server
  1. Stop the CLM/QM server.
  2. Set the system property as follows: maxParamPerRequest="1000000". For details about setting the system property, see Set up system property.
  3. Start the CLM/QM server.
Apache Tomcat
  1. Stop the CLM/QM server.
  2. Set the attribute on the Connector tag of the Server.xml file as follows: maxParameterCount="1000000". For details about setting the attribute, see Set connector attribute.
  3. Start the CLM/QM server.
Related information
Work Item 139529

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When you remove a level in a nested numbered list, items are incorrectly reordered

First occurrence

If you delete a level in a numbered list that has multiple levels, the items under the deleted level are incorrectly reordered.

Consider the following example:
1. aaa
2. bbb
        a. mmm
        b. nnn
                i. xxx
                ii. yyy
                iii. zzz

If you delete all the entries in the second level, in this example a. mmm and b. nnn, so that the third level becomes the second level, the entries in the new second level are placed in the reverse order.
1. aaa
2. bbb
        a. zzz
        b. yyy
        c. xxx


Complete these steps:

1. Delete all but one entry in the level that you want to delete. In this example, delete b. nnn.
1. aaa
2. bbb
        a. mmm
                i. xxx
                ii. yyy
                iii. zzz

2. Select all the entries in the lower level and decrease their indent by one level. The item and the numbering style will remain from higher level.
1. aaa
2. bbb
        a. mmm
        b. xxx
        c. yyy
        d. zzz

3. Remove the remaining item from the higher level, and change the style of the numbered list if needed.
1. aaa
2. bbb
        a. xxx
        b. yyy
        c. zzz

Related information
Work item 179443

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Dropped features in the ETM 7.0.2 release

First occurrence

The following features are removed in the IBM Engineering Test Management (ETM) 7.0.2 release:

  • IBM Engineering Test Management HP Quick Test Professional (QTP)/HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT) Adapter

HP QTP versions 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.5, 10, and 11.0 and UFT versions 11.50, 11.53, 12.02, and 12.51 are marked as End-of-Life (EOL) or End Of Support (EOS) in July, 2019. In the 7.0.2 release, ETM ended the support for these adapters.

Note: Both the QTP and UFT adapters will be supported in previous versions of IBM Rational Quality Manager (RQM)/ETM.

  • IBM Engineering Test Management HP LoadRunner Adapter

HP LoadRunner versions 9.1, 9.51, 11.5, and 12.50 are marked as End-of-Life (EOL) or End Of Support (EOS) in August, 2019. In the 7.0.2 release, ETM ended the support for this adapter.

Note: The LoadRunner adapter will be supported in previous versions of RQM/ETM.

Related information
Work item 186848
Micro Focus Product Support Lifecycle table

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Any change in the keyword step result cannot be merged back to the test script associated with the keyword by comparing the keyword step results with the test script steps

First occurrence

You can edit a manual step custom attribute during test case execution if the manual step custom attribute is allowed to be edited in the test case result. If a keyword step contains such an editable custom attribute, you can edit it during test case execution or from the test case result editor. However, you cannot merge the changes back to the test script that is associated with the keyword by comparing it with the test script steps from the test case result editor.

Related information
Work item 187582

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Comma-Separated Values (CSV) export jobs cannot be cancelled during the preparation phase

First occurrence

CSV export jobs have the following two phases:

  • Preparation phase – Engineering Test Management (ETM) gathers information about all the test artifacts that need to be exported.
  • Rendering phase – ETM writes data to the CSV file.

CSV export jobs cannot be cancelled immediately when in the preparation phase. ETM checks if the export job is cancelled before starting and after completing the preparation phase. If you try to cancel the CSV export job during the preparation phase, the CSV export job is cancelled only after the preparation phase completes. However, CSV export jobs can be cancelled immediately when in the rendering phase.

Related information
Work item 183609

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Warning messages are displayed in the "Quality Manager Library on jazz.net" dashboard widget

First occurrence

By default, the "Quality Manager Library on jazz.net" widget is in the project dashboard for the default ETM process template.  The following warning messages are displayed when there is no access to jazz.net:
  • There was a problem loading the feed.
  • The content was not a recognized feed.
  • The requested resource is not available on the approved list of external resources.
Perform one of the following steps:
  • Configure the external resources allowlist to add on jazz.net.  For instructions, refer the documentation link provided under Related Information.
  • If the "Quality Manager Library on jazz.net" widget if not required, remove it from the dashboard.
Related information
Security considerations for the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management applications – IBM Documentation (topic "Setting up allowlists to prevent SSRF attacks")
Work item 192093

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When duplicating test plan across the project, test environments are not getting mapped for the test plan in target project

First occurrence

Currently, cross project test artifact duplication wizard does not offer test environment mapping for the test plan. While duplicating test plan across the project, test environments are not getting mapped for the test plan in target project.

Related information
Work item 183782

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Dropped features in the IBM Engineering Test Management (ETM) 7.0 release

First occurrence

IBM Rational RequisitePro integration is not supported for the IBM Rational Quality Manager (now known as IBM Engineering Test Management) 6.0 and later releases. To ensure that you could continue to browse and access the Rational RequisitePro requirements, IBM Engineering Requirements DOORS Next (DOORS Next) and IBM Engineering Test Management (ETM) supported migration of the ETM and Rational RequisitePro integration data to DOORS Next.

In the 7.0 release, both ETM and Doors Next removed the migration support. You must migrate the ETM and Rational RequisitePro integration data to DOORS Next before you upgrade to a 7.0 or later release.

Related information
New & Noteworthy for IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next 7.0
Work item 186848

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Rich-text content is not imported into the web UI correctly by

using the ETM Reportable REST API and the OSLC QM API
First occurrence

Sometimes, rich-text content cannot be imported correctly into the web UI by using the Engineering Test Management (ETM) Reportable REST API and OSLC QM API. The issue occurs when the windowtext color property is defined for rich-text content. The windowtext color property represents the system color and can be set to any color. By default, the windowtext color property is set to black.

This limitation applies to any utility that uses the ETM Reportable REST API or the OSLC QM API. To export a rich-text content while using the ETM Excel Importer Utility, the configuration file uses RichText(<Cell/column>) keyword. See the following example:
"This is a test."

Image of rich-text content in a spreadsheet: 99317
Image of rich-text syntax in the configuration file: 99281

In the example, "This" is in the red color, and "is a test." is in the black color, which is the default color of the windowtext color property. When the content is imported into the web UI, the entire content appears in the red color, "This is a test."

The issue occurs because the windowtext color property is not correctly recognized by the CKEditor, which is the rich-text editor in the web UI. The CKEditor applies the color of the parent HTML element. Moreover, the CKEdtior cannot map the windowtext color property to a specific color because the default system color can be set to any color.

Related information
Work item 185952
Styles mapping for deprecated / system colors #3112

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Execution schedule steps fail if they don't meet the execution preconditions for the execution record

First occurrence

Version corrected an issue where the preconditions for an execution record were not enforced for execution steps. As a result, an execution schedule that previously completed without errors because of the non-enforcement of the execution record preconditions might fail in If you deploy execution preconditions for execution records, ensure that the execution record's preconditions are met when you use them in execution schedules. You might also choose to configure execution schedules to ignore the preconditions for execution records.

Related information
Running execution records in execution schedules without precondition checks

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A warning message is shown when you create a link between a diagram artifact in IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody (Rhapsody) and a test case in IBM Engineering Test Management (ETM)

First occurrence

Rhapsody supports integration with ETM by masquerading as an OSLC requirement service provider. The Rhapsody project area can be integrated with the ETM project area. You can create model elements by using the Rhapsody thick client and import the model elements into the IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody – Design Manager (RDM) server. The model elements can be linked to test cases and other test artifacts from ETM by using the similar method that other requirement providers use. The ETM application stores the last modified time of a model element to check whether the model element is modified after the link between the model element and test artifact was created.

When you link a diagram artifact from Rhapsody to a test case from ETM, the last modified time of the diagram artifact is not saved in the ETM application. Despite this issue, the link is created between the diagram artifact and test case. A warning message is shown and logged in the ETM log file. Also, some of the features, such as requirement reconcile do not work properly for the diagram artifacts.

Related information
Work item 184303

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IBM Test Management (ETM) Word Importer Utility does not support the self-referential link syntax for configuration files

First occurrence

IBM Test Management (ETM) Excel Importer Utility supports the configuration syntax for creating self-referential links between test artifacts by assigning these test artifacts to use data that is already being used by the other test artifact. For example, the configuration syntax, testcase.dc:title=testscript.dc:title creates a self-referential link between a test case and test script. However, the ETM Word Importer Utility does not support the configuration syntax for creating self-referential links.

Related information
Work item 184951
Work item 98040
ETM Word/Excel Importer Wiki

Back to top

In Report Builder, the Start Time attribute is no longer available for the QM Test Script Step Result artifact type

First occurrence

When you generate reports in Report Builder, the Start Time attribute is no longer available for conditions or columns in reports on the QM Test Script Step Result artifact type. The Start Time attribute showed the date and time when execution of the test script step result started. However, the value was always incorrect and showed the same value as the End Time attribute.

Related information
Work Item 178805
Work item 180026

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Java 8 SR5 Fix Pack 5 through Fix Pack 10 is not supported as the runtime for CE/CLM applications on a Windows platform

First occurrence


Continuous Engineering (CE) and Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) applications on a Windows platform that run on Java 8 SR5 Fix Pack 5 through Fix Pack 10 encounter null pointer exceptions and might not be usable. Use Java 8 SR5 Fix Pack 11 ( or later as the runtime.

Related information
Work Item 455371
Work Item 452307
APAR IJ04429

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Test data in a snapshot can change

First occurrence

When you create a snapshot of a test script, the test data reference in the snapshot is always the same as the current revision of the test script. Therefore, if the current test script changes the reference to the test data, the change is also reflected in all snapshots. Likewise, if the values in the test data change, the changes are reflected in all snapshots. There is no workaround for this issue because the state of the test data is not captured at the time of the snapshot.

Related information
Work Item 148923

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Test Statistics, Test Matrix, and Execution by Weight dashboard widgets do not display multiple-valued categories correctly

First occurrence

If you group the Test Statistics, Test Matrix, or Execution by Weight dashboard widgets by a category that has multiple values associated with it, only the results for the first value are displayed. For example, consider a Test Phase category that has three values: Development Test, Integration Test, and User Acceptance Test. The category values are assigned to 7 test cases in the following way:
  • 3 test cases have both the Development Test and Integration Test values (the Development Test value is listed first)
  • 2 test cases have only the Development Test value
  • 2 test cases have only the Integration Test value
In this scenario, the results should show that each value is assigned to 5 test cases. However, because the widgets tabulate only the first value for categories with multiple values, the widgets show that 5 test cases contain the Development Test value, and only 2 test cases contain the Integration Test value.

Related information
Work Item 142093

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The “Disallow execution of test case execution record with blocking status” precondition is only enforced from the UI

First occurrence

The new “Disallow Execution of Test Case Execution Record with Blocking Status” precondition in the project area properties is only enforced when execution is initiated from the UI. When execution is initiated from the utility that uses the Rational Quality Manager Reportable REST API, the precondition is not enforced.

Related information
Work Item 135925
Work Item 142409

Back to top

RQM Reportable REST API does not support team area process-level operations

First occurrence

Process and permissions that are defined at the team level do not affect the RQM Reportable REST API behavior. For RQM Reportable REST API operations, all process and permissions operate at the project level only.

Related information
Work Item 140279
Work Item 142815

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Email notifications for formal reviews are not customizable

First occurrence

The notification messages that are emailed to users when a formal review on a test artifact changes, such as when an approval or a comment is added, are not customizable. Specifically, on the Manage Project Area page, in the Mail Templates section, any changes to the default text for the following notifications are not included in the email messages that are sent: Approvals, Messages At Me, Work Item Aggregate Changes Notification, and Work Item Changed Notification.

Related information
Work Item 141712

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Guest Access feature is not supported

First occurrence


The Guest Access feature enables guest access to secure resources by using a dedicated guest user. However, enabling the Guest Access feature and configuring a Guest Access user ID in the Advanced Properties causes several issues (for example, with browsing and editing test artifacts). Because of these limitations, Guest Access is not supported in Rational Quality Manager (presently known as IBM Engineering Test Management).

Related information
Work Item 161061
Work Item 161056
Work Item 161064
Work Item 413189
Work Item 413950

Back to top

The Rational Quality Manager (presently known as IBM Engineering Test Management)

mobile application does not work in a single sign-on (SSO) environment
First occurrence

The Rational Quality Manager (presently known as IBM Engineering Test Management) mobile application cannot connect to the Rational Quality Manager server when the server is configured for a single sign-on (SSO) environment. In this scenario, you cannot use the mobile application to run tests in offline mode.

Related information
Work Item 137845

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Validated By test links from some RM applications to a version 6.0 or later Rational Quality Manager (presently known as IBM Engineering Test Management)

project area that is enabled for configuration management might link to the incorrect test artifact
First occurrence

When a version 6.0 or later Rational Quality Manager (presently known as IBM Engineering Test Management) project area is enabled for configuration management, you cannot create new requirements links to Rational DOORS, Rational DOORS Web Access, or version 5 releases of Rational DOORS Next Generation (presently known as IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next) because these products and versions do not support configuration management. However, you can create a Validated By test link in the opposite direction: from these Requirements Management (RM) applications to a version 6.0 or later Rational Quality Manager project area that is enabled for configuration management. If you create a baseline or stream in the version 6.0 or later Rational Quality Manager project area, the test artifact links that are shown in the RM application might not point to the correct test artifact in the correct configuration. For this reason, you should not create Validated By test links from these RM applications to a version 6.0 or later Rational Quality Manager project area that is enabled for configuration management.

Related information
Work Item 135427

Back to top

Data Collection Component only loads requirement data from Rational DOORS Next Generation (presently known as IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next)

First occurrence

Starting in Rational Quality Manager (presently known as IBM Engineering Test Management) 6.0, the Data Collection Component only loads requirement data from Rational DOORS Next Generation (presently known as IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next). The Data Collection Component no longer integrates with applications that are not part of the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) (presently known as IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management), such as Rational RequisitePro. The Data Collection Component does not load requirement data from such applications or expose it through the Rational Quality Manager Reportable REST API. This limitation also applies to mixed environments that deploy both Rational Quality Manager 5.x and 6.0. This limitation should be considered before upgrading to the Rational solution for CLM version 6.0 or later.

Related information
Work Item 356530 

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When artifacts are merged from a baseline, some “Accept section” and “Merge section” operations are not supported

First occurrence

When you merge artifacts from a baseline, some sections do not support the “Accept section” and “Merge section” operations. To view the support for each artifact type, see the related tables.

Related information
Work Item 138430

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Multiple rows are shown in Report Builder after modifying an iteration that has at least one result

First occurrence




Suppose, you modify an iteration that is associated to a Test Plan and that iteration is also associated to at least one Test Case Result or Test Case Execution Record. Now, if you create a report by using Lifecycle Query Engine as the data source and the report includes a Test Phase relationship, then multiple rows get displayed in the Report Builder. The report displays one row for the Test Case Result or Test Case Execution Record and another row for the new modified iteration in the Test Plan.


Migrate to the ETM version 7.0.3. For more information, see New and Noteworthy.


Related information

Defect 190711


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OSLC Quality Management (QM) PUT and POST API can not add or remove work item links from test case result and test case execution record in configuration management mode

First occurrence

When a version 6.0 or later ETM project area is enabled for configuration management, you cannot add or remove work item links from a test case result or a test case execution record using PUT and POST OSLC Quality Management (QM) API. This symptom applies to any test artifact type that supports CMM links, for example, test case's development items. Note that CCM links are the only links that ETM does not own.
However, you can add or remove work item links from test case result and test case execution record in configuration management mode using web UI.

Related information
Work item 183251

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Rational Performance Tester cannot connect to the server when Rational Quality Manager (presently known as IBM Engineering Test Management)

is configured with single sign-on (SSO)
First occurrence

Rational Performance Tester cannot communicate with the Rational Quality Manager (presently known as IBM Engineering Test Management) server when Rational Quality Manager is configured with single sign-on (SSO) authentication. When you configure the adapter from Rational Performance Tester and click Connect to RQM, an attempt is made to connect to the Rational Quality Manager server, but the connection is never established. Because the connection does not succeed, the Rational Performance Tester adapter is not listed on the Adapter Console page. A resolution to this issue is available in the Rational Performance Tester 8.7.1 adapter.

Related information
Work Item 137285

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Online migration is not supported for upgrading some versions of the Quality Management application

First occurrence

Online migration for the Quality Management (QM) application is not supported in these upgrade scenarios:

  • Upgrading from version 4.0.6 or later to version 4.0.7 or a version 5 release
  • Upgrading from a version 5 release to a version 6 release

If you have version 4.0.6 or later of the QM application and perform an online migration before you upgrade to version 4.0.7 or a version 5 release, the operation runs, but no migration occurs. Similarly, if you have a version 5 release and perform an online migration before you upgrade to a version 6 release, the operation runs, but no migration occurs.

Related information
Work Item 361962
Work Item 141120

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Thu, 19 Nov 2020