Workarounds: Rational Software Architect import problems in Design Management 4.0.1

The table of contents lists the known problems and workarounds related to the Rational Software Architect import functionality in the Design Management 4.0.1 release.

Problem Summary

You cannot specify strings that contain international characters when you define an import engine name.


If an an import engine has an identifier that contains international characters, the import operation might fail.


Delete international strings from the import engine name:

  1. Open the Import Engine Configuration window.
  2. In the Import Engine Name field, delete international characters; then click OK.
  3. Update the import definitions that are defined on the server to use the modified name.

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Problem Summary

Links to resources that are have an Arabic or Hebrew name may result in dangling references.


Resources, such as documents or images, with an Arabic or Hebrew name that are linked to a Rational Software Architect UML model by using a URL element do not import, and result in a dangling reference being reported.


Before importing a Rational Software Architect model, external resources such as documents and images that are referenced by URL elements should be converted to non-Arabic or non-Hebrew names; otherwise they will not be linked on the server.

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Problem Summary

The import process creates duplicate models in a child workspace.


Consider the following scenario: Workspace_1 has an import definition and contains models. A child workspace named Workspace_2, which is based on Workspace_1, is created, and also contains models. However, the Workspace_2 import definition is not aware that Workspace_2 already contains models, so any subsequent import process into Workspace_2 produces duplicates of models that were in Workspace_2 initially.


Complete the following steps:

  1. In the Current Configuration Context menu, select Workspace_2, if it is not selected already.
  2. Click Import > Request Import.
  3. Select the Reimport and overwrite all resources check box.
  4. Click Import and wait for the import process to complete.
  5. Clear the Reimport and overwrite all resources check box.

Now the import process is aware of the models that are in Workspace_2.

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Problem Summary

With the Rational Software Architect Design Manager Import Engine, you cannot import individual projects that have a path that is different from the path of the workspace on the file system.


To import individual projects by using the Rational Software Architect Design Manager Import Engine, each project must be an Eclipse project whose resources are contained only in that project’s workspace. You cannot import individual projects that have a path that is different from the path of the workspace on the file system.


You can either import an entire workspace, or specify the physical parent directory of the individual projects as the workspace path.
When you create an import definition, complete one of the following steps:

  • Select the option to import an entire workspace. This option imports all the projects that are defined in the workspace, whether they physically exist the workspace directory or are imported from another location.
  • Select the option to import individual projects, and in the Workpace path field, specify the physical directory that contains the Eclipse project to import, instead of specifying the path to the Eclipse workspace.

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Problem Summary

Design Management does not support all Rational Software Architect domains. Models from these domains, or models that have dependencies on these domains, cannot be displayed.


Design Management cannot display models from the following Rational Software Architect domains, or models that have dependencies on these domains:

  • WebSphere Business Integrator
  • Patterns
  • Custom deployment planning and automation (DP&A)
  • AUTOSAR (Automotive Open System Architecture)
  • XDE Import

Also, Design Management does not support Rational Software Architect models that contain links to Rational Requisite Pro artifacts.


There is no workaround for this problem.

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