Jazz Library Workarounds: Rational Software Architect Client Extension problems in Design Management 4.0.1
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Workarounds: Rational Software Architect Client Extension problems in Design Management 4.0.1

The table of contents lists the known problems and workarounds related to the Rational Software Architect client extension in the Design Management 4.0.1 release.

Problem Summary

You cannot create a UML model for Integrated Architecture (UPIA), RealTime (RT), or Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) models when a project area is associated with the correct corresponding domains; new model templates for UPIA and other UML extensions do not appear in the new model wizard.


This problem occurs because the extensions do not have new model templates registered with the Design Management Rational Software Architect client extension; therefore, no new model templates are displayed in the new model wizard.


Complete the following steps:

  1. Assign the proper domains (RT, UPIA, SOA, for example) to the project area.
  2. In the client extension, right-click a project area; then click New > UML Model.
  3. In the New Model wizard, select General category; then click the Blank Package template.
  4. Select the root package, and then display the properties view. On the Profiles tab, click Add Profile.
  5. Select the UPIA, SOA or RT profile and save the changes.
  6. Share the change set with others if the Share with others check box is not selected.
  7. Close the main diagram, then open it. Verify that the profile palette entries are displayed.
  8. Verify that at least one of the Explorer Node Content Definition exists for any class of each of the domains that the viewpoint should be used with.
  9. Save your changes in the viewpoint and refresh the page.

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Problem Summary

You might not be able to create or delete links to artifacts in Rational DOORS by using the Rational Software Architect Design Manager Client Extension.


In the Rational Software Architect Design Manager Client Extension, you can only view existing links to artifacts in Rational DOORS. You might not be able to create or delete those links.


You can use the Rational Software Architect Design Manager web client to create or delete links to artifacts in Rational DOORS. You can view the links by using the Rational Software Architect Design Manager Client Extension.

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Problem Summary

In the Design Management web client, clicking on references to visualized elements does not return relevant information.


References to visualized elements, such as Java classes or XSD elements, do not have proper editors or compact renderers defined on the Design Management web client. If you click on such a reference in a web browser, information does not load, and preview windows or tool tips for links to these elements do not display relevant information.


There is no workaround for this problem.

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Problem Summary

You cannot import topologies and deployment artifacts that are stored in the Design Management repository into other topologies, and you cannot drag deployment artifacts from the Design Management repository to topology diagrams.


You cannot import topologies and deployment artifacts that are stored in the Design Management repository into other topologies. You also cannot drag deployment artifacts from the Design Management repository to topology diagrams that are stored in either a file in the local Eclipse workspace or in the Design Management repository.


There is no workaround for this issue. This feature is not supported in the Design Management 4.0.1 release.

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Problem Summary

A Design Management link is missing if the corresponding asset is published using the Rational Software Architect Design Manager Client Extension version v8.0.4.1.


When you publish a Design Management model to Rational Asset Manager, the Rational Asset Manager asset should have a link pointing back to model element in Design Management. If you publish the asset by using Rational Software Architect Design Manager with Rational Software Architect version, the link is missing. The problem only happens when you are using Rational Software Architect version; it does not happen when you use Rational Software Architect version 8.5.


The feature works with Rational Software Architect version 8.5. The workaround is to upgrade from version to version 8.5.

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Problem Summary

Transformations that target UML Models located on a Design Management server will fail to execute.


An exception will be thrown for any RSA transformation that has a target that is a UML model if the model is stored on an RSA Design Management server. This will also occur for reverse transformations if the source of the transformation is a UML model and the transformation is configured to support a reconcile protocol.


The transformation will need to target a local UML model. This local model can then be imported to a design management server.

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Problem Summary

The labels on shapes, connectors, or border items are displayed correctly in the Rational Software Architect Design Manager Client Extension, but are missing when the diagram is displayed in a web browser.


If the font that you use for labels is not available on the system, the operating system substitutes the missing font with an existing one. This issue is platform specific and is handled by SWT string painting. AWT uses tables in the Java Runtime Environment to default to specific fonts, which are different from the fonts that the operating system defaults to, and are different from SWT. Therefore, the same string with a very specific font that is not available on the operating system might be painted differently in SWT and AWT.


Complete the following steps:

  1. Shut down the server.
  2. In a text editor, open the Design Management installation folderserverserver.startup file.
  3. Add the following line to the file: “-Dibm.dm.rsa.imageFormat=jpg”.
  4. Save the file.
  5. Start the server.
  6. Open the diagram and verify that the labels are displayed correctly.

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Problem Summary

You cannot install the Rational Software Architect Design Manager Client Extension into an existing Rational Software Architect installation.


The Rational Software Architect Design Manager Client Extension requires that the UML modeling feature be installed.


Complete the following steps:

  1. Start IBM Installation Manager.
  2. On the Start page, click “Modify”.
  3. In the Modify Packages wizard, select the “IBM Software Delivery Platform” product package group and click “Next”.
  4. On the Translations page, click “Next”.
  5. On the Features page, expand the navigation tree to “IBM Rational Software Architect 8.5” > “Rational Software Architect” > “Solution Architecture and Model-Driven Development”.
  6. Select the “UML Modeling” check box.
  7. On the Summary information page, click “Modify”. The UML modeling feature is added to the Rational Software Architect installation.
  8. Install the Rational Software Architect Design Manager Client Extension into the modified Rational Software Architect installation.

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Problem Summary

Due to a transformation configuration (TC) validation failure, the UML to SCA and UML to WSDL transformations do not run in Rational Software Architect or 8.5 when the Rational Software Architect has a source model in a Design Management repository.


UML to SCA and UML to WSDL transformations fail to run in Rational Software Architect or 8.5 due to a transformation configuration validation failure. This is fixed in RSA 8.5.1. See below for a workaround for RSA and RSA 8.5.


Expand the elements of the source model in the transformation configuration window (in the source and target page of the TC file, expand the source model), so at least one component element which is composite is expanded fully.

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Mon, 26 Nov 2012