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Correct permission for modifying iteration structure?

Yvo Van Wezemael (91012) | asked Jan 17 '13, 3:56 a.m.
We wanted to give the role "Team Lead" the permission to change the iteration structure, so we checked the "Project Configuration > Permission > Process > Save Project Area (server) > Modify a project area > Modify iteration structure" for this role.

We noticed that this made some changes possible, but not all, i.e. changing the order of iterations WITHOUT changing the hierarchy worked, other changes yielded in exceptions during save (no permission).

After playing around we noticed that we had to give the additional permission "Modify th process specification" to make all cases work, but this gives this role more permissions as we intended.

Is this a bug or do we understand something wrong here?

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Joseph Salomone (25613) | answered Jan 21 '13, 2:04 p.m.
I am not entirely sure what is causing this. By the sounds of it, it is changing the project XML when the iteration is changed. And the reason the permissions are denied is because behind the scenes the XML is trying to be changed. I am, unfortunately, unable to find any evidence to support my conclusion.

I did look further into "Modify iteration structure" permissions. This appears to only give the ability edit or create an Iteration or timeline and make a timeline a project timeline or an iteration a current iteration. It appears that rearranging iterations within a timeline requires "Modify project area properties" permissions, and moving an iteration from one timeline to another requires "Modify the process specification" permissions.

I would suggest that if you want the permissions to be divided better, to report this issue to Jazz Foundation->Process. You should include what you expect each permission provides. 
Yvo Van Wezemael selected this answer as the correct answer

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