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Customizing RAM login page

Sripriya Karimpuzhasriram (134852) | asked Dec 12 '12, 1:23 p.m.


When you click on the "Communities" link and click on a community, it takes you to the home page of the community. When I gave that URL to one of my friend, when he tried to access it through the URL, he was taken to the page, given by the screenshot attached.

Question 1 - Is it possible to customize this page to change "Rational Asset Manager" and modify this window to add a few instructions?

Question 2 - Is there a way to skip this page and go directly to my RAM's home page which has been customized specifically for us. This would help, as this page has all the information and instructions for an end user.

In short , we are trying to look for a way to change the name "Rational Asset Manager" to avoid confusion for our end users.

Please can you let us know?




2 answers

permanent link
Rich Kulp (3.6k38) | answered Dec 13 '12, 6:31 p.m.
The community home page is part of RAM. It will also show Rational Asset Manager on the top. So why would that confuse them.

It is just asking for the user to login. The community page requires a user to be logged in. There is no way to customize it.

Sripriya Karimpuzhasriram commented Dec 13 '12, 9:10 p.m.

Thanks Richard,

That answers my Question 1 above. Can you please let us know if Question 2 is possible?

Question 2 - Is there a way to skip this page and go directly to my RAM's home page which has been customized specifically for us. This would help, as this page has all the information and instructions for an end user.

Our end users may not be aware of "Rational Asset Manager" as we call the tool by a different name in our company. That is why we are looking for other options.

Hope you understand!

Thanks much!



Sripriya Karimpuzhasriram commented Dec 13 '12, 10:26 p.m.

Sorry, just to clarify once again, we are talking about 2 pages -

1.) the page login.jsp as shown by the screenshot above (We would like to know if we can modify this page, remove Rational Asset Manager and add a few instructions)

2.) the page home.faces which is our home page. Please note this has already been customized using the file in the Administration link

Our question is -

  1. is it possible to modify login.jsp page?
  2. If point 1 is not possible, then, whenever a user is not logged in and clicks on a community link, is it possible to skip the login.jsp page and arrive directly at the home.faces page?

Hope it wasnt too confusing!



Pramod Chavan commented Oct 08 '13, 3:37 a.m.

Hi Sripriya,

login.jsp can be customized  to add/modify the text content. Once edited just restart the app server.
This jsp page can be found in websphere folder, where RAM is deployed.


Rich Kulp commented Oct 15 '13, 10:18 a.m.

But these changes will be wiped out on any RAM upgrade. The jsp's are not exportable and will be replaced with the latest when RAM is upgraded.Only the theme's are exportable and can be across RAM upgrades.

Though you will need to export the theme's before upgrading RAM, then you will need to import the themes and verify they still work. There are usually large UI changes between upgrades and themes will need to be changed to handle these changes.

Rich Kulp commented Oct 15 '13, 10:24 a.m.

As for question 2, I'm not sure what you are asking. You only go to the login page if you are trying to access a protected URL, such as an asset. There is no reason why someone can't go directly to the home.faces page. That page is not a protected URl so any anonymous person can go to it.

Once that person tries to access a protected URL they will then be redirected to the login page.

In your example you gave someone a link to a community. Community pages are considered a protected resource. So when they try to go to it, they were asked to login. If you had instead given them a link to the home.faces page they would not then be asked to login.

permanent link
Gili Mendel (1.8k56) | answered Oct 14 '13, 8:20 a.m.
You can change the looks of this page:
Download the theme (from Administrator->Tools page), check out the images in the theme/custom/images/login/*

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