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Searching for assets via search query

Sripriya Karimpuzhasriram (134852) | asked Sep 28 '12, 7:18 a.m.


I am trying to do a search in the "Search for Assets" page on a category which is mutually exclusive.

Is it possible to "search using a query" that lists all the assets belonging to either of the 2 values of a mutually exclusive category in one single search page?


Say CategoryA has 2 subcategory values - category value 1 and category value 2 which are mutually exclusive.

When I search via the filters option, i get the search results for "Category Value 1" or "Category Value 2" but not "either Category Value 1 or Category Value 2".

Is it possible to have assets belonging to either "Category Value 1" or "Category Value 2" results listed in a single page in the "Search for Assets" screen?


    • Category Value 1
    • Category Value 2

One answer

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Sheehan Anderson (1.2k4) | answered Sep 28 '12, 4:08 p.m.
This feature is being added to RAM  When selecting a filter you will have the option of placing it into one of three groups.

1.  All of these filters (The search results must contain all filters in this group)
2.  At least one of these filters (The search results must contain at least one filter from this group)
3.  None of these filters (The search results must not contain filters from this group)

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