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Is it possible to set long description of an asset via the RAM java API?

Angela Borchard (701220) | asked Dec 04 '12, 9:47 p.m.


I need to migrate some data from an old RAM (7.1) instance into a new RAM ( via the Java API.

     RAMAsset asset;
     asset.setDescription("This is the short description");       

I can see that it is possible to set the short description as per the method above, however I also need to migrate the long description (HTML formatted).

Can you please advise if this is possible to get this information from the old RAM and to upload via the API to the new RAM?

         AssetAttribute attribute = newAsset.getAssetAttribute("Description");
         attribute.setValues(new String[]{"----HTML GOES IN HERE------"});

         session.put(newAsset, new NullProgressMonitor());



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Eric Bordeau (27632) | answered Dec 05 '12, 9:26 a.m.
RAMAsset has setDescription(String) to set the long description. There's also a setShortDescription(String) for the short description.
Angela Borchard selected this answer as the correct answer

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