RPT 8.3: Schedule hangs when running from RQM.
The scripts were created using RPT 8.2, after then upgraded RPT to 8.3.
After starting the execution from RQM, the script executes commpletely on the local machine, results are generated,but after this nothing happens, On RQM side the scripts continue showing 10% and remains like this.
For 8.2 it was working fine the results were uploaded to RQM, iexecuted complete suites with RPT 8.2 - RQM.
Please Help.
3 answers
Hi Pramod,
Thanks for the reply, can you help me with the Defect number or the link, i will need it to convince my supervisors for the upgradation.
Adding up,
Is this defect regarding RPT8.3 - RQM 3.0.1 Integration
because RPT8.2 - RQM 3.0.1 integration was running fine with some minor issues.
Till the RPT upgrade i was executing the performance suites in bulk from RQM.
PM70841 | Unable to complete executing RFT test via RQM, Test Suite Execution Record for the run shows that it is "In Progress" | 71259 |
To answer your question, If you upgrade RPT to 8.3, the defect becomes visible with RQM 301-3014 till get fixed in RQM 3015. Essentially fix in RQM side
When you execute a Rational Performance Tester 8.3 schedule or test from any version of Rational Quality Mananger, it hangs at 10%. The actual test in Rational Performance Tester completes as normal but from Rational Quality Manager it appears hung.
While executing Rational Performance Tester/Rational Service Tester for SOA Quality 8.3 tests from Rational Quality Manager the progress bar within Rational Quality Manager gets stuck at 10% and no summary results are available during the run.
Resolving the problem
You can enable preferences in the Rational Performance Tester/Rational Service Tester for SOA Quality workspace to connect to Rational Quality Manager. Perform the following steps on every Rational Performance Tester/Rational Service Tester for SOA Quality 8.3 adapter machine:
- Disconnect the adapter from Rational Quality Manager. This should cause the Rational Quality Manager execution result to finish to 100%.
- Open the workspace in Rational Performance Tester to connect to Rational Quality Manager. If the adapter was run as a service, you can locate the workspace by opening the text file ${RPT_INSTALL_SDP_DIR}/RPT-RST_RQMAdapter/config/adapter.config and looking at the WORKSPACE_DIR property.
- In Rational Performance Tester, click Window->Preferences->Test->Performance Test Reports->Web Reports.
- Select the Allow remote access from a web browser check box.
- In the Remote Access area, select the Allow control of schedule execution from the web browser check box.
- Restart Rational Performance Tester/Rational Service Tester for SOA Quality.
- Connect the adapter and execute the test from Rational Quality Manager.