RDp - RTC compatibility
Accepted answer
One other answer
Let me complete my answer :-)
Also, the server and Build System Toolkit for RTC 3.0.1 run on IBM i OS V5R4 and up (including V6R1).
RTC 4.0 supports V6R1 and up.
Hi Sean,
I know this all, we don't want to migrate to RTC4.0 at the moment, because I have no time to setup a testenivronment to test the migration. And according to the troubles we have had at migration RTC 2 to RTC 3 I don't want to run into the same troubles.
The other thing is, that we will make an upgrade for RTC (3.xx to 4.xx), system-i operarting system (V6R1 to V7R1) and WAS (7.xx to 8.xx) together next year, but we have to wait with this upgrade, because there is a plan to go with our environment to a new power7 machine.
Thanks for your prompt answer