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How do I enable BIRT to see the Jazz DW Data Source?

Andrew Trobec (49713144139) | asked Nov 08 '12, 4:33 a.m.

I have read all the posts regarding the "Jazz DW Data Source" for BIRT, I have followed the tutorial here:, and I have tried many options, but I cannot get BIRT to see the "Jazz DW Data Source".

When creating a new Data Source in my BIRT report (integrated with RTC, all I see is the "Jazz Data Source" which uses the Data Mart snapshots rather than the Data Warehouse.

What have I not done to enable BIRT with a Jazz DW Data Source?

Thank you and best regards,


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Sandy Grewal (1.6k1223) | answered Mar 27 '13, 2:05 p.m.
@Andrew you need to have Birt and RTC client installed on same shell.
Then make a connection to your RTC repository.
Once that is done you should be able to see the Jazz DW Data Source.

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