How to manage more than one server url with DoorsNG?
Accepted answer
You can specify a server to connect to using a command line switch with doors.exe, or manage different servers with different config files, e.g.
Option 1. Modify a shortcut or batch file, thus:
doors.exe --serverurl "https://server1.domain:9443/rm"
Option 2. Create a second config file, 'config2.ini', and modify a shortcut thus:
doors.exe --configfile "C:\config2.ini"
where config2.ini contains the alternative serverurl option
Note the command line switches use a double hyphen --
Option 1. Modify a shortcut or batch file, thus:
doors.exe --serverurl "https://server1.domain:9443/rm"
Option 2. Create a second config file, 'config2.ini', and modify a shortcut thus:
doors.exe --configfile "C:\config2.ini"
where config2.ini contains the alternative serverurl option
Note the command line switches use a double hyphen --