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What does this error mean when loading the CQ charting widget in the dashboard: "Could not load 'dojox.charting.widget.nls.Chart2D_en-us';"

Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | asked Oct 26 '12, 12:48 p.m.
I have configured the ClearQuest Bridge and I'm able to link Workitems to CQ records and also to run CQ Queries within a RTC Dashboard Widget.

If I configure the CQ Charting Widget in RTC the chart is displayed but the browser reports me following script error:

Message: Could not load 'dojox.charting.widget.nls.Chart2D_en-us'; last tried '../dojox/charting/widget/nls/Chart2D_en-us.js'
Line: 14
Char: 6072
Code: 0

Any idea

Curtis d'Entremont commented Oct 29 '12, 11:11 a.m.

I can't say exactly what the problem is, but it appears to be on the gadget side (as opposed to the dashboard). I would suggest filing a defect on the CQ bridge to investigate the problem.

One answer

permanent link
Yuhong Yin (25123) | answered Nov 01 '12, 10:30 a.m.
What happens or what do you see if you just copy and paste this URL to your browser?

You can try a different browser and/or enable debugging to try to see if there are additional messages.

And agreed with Curtis - you should open a PMR.

- Yuhong Yin

Development Manager, ClearCase/ClearQuest-CLM/RTC Connectors and Integrations

Guido Schneider commented Nov 30 '12, 3:39 p.m.

I opened a PMR, sent my CQ schema and report to support so they can try to reproduce.
I will let you know about the results.

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