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RQM login using Consumer Key OAuth authentication

Prasun Roy (1674813) | asked Oct 17 '12, 4:07 p.m.
We are trying to develop a custom Web application that uses the RQM Rest api to query and update assets in RQM. For accessing the assets in RQM the Rest api requires the RQM user credentials. We are looking for a way to use the already active session of RQM and prevent the need to enter RQM credentials again.

While looking into the problem we realized that other Rational products like DOORS and RTC provides similar functionality where DOORS is able to create back-links in RQM without asking the user to log into RQM if an active RQM session exists. We think the functionality is provided by the Consumers/Friends OAuth based authentication.

Is it possible to implement similar functionality in our own app, if yes then is there some documentation or sample code available for Consumers/Friends functionality. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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John Vasta (2.6k15) | answered Oct 18 '12, 11:27 a.m.
This article may get you started:

Basically, you'll need to create a "consumer" in RQM for your application; that allocates a key, and stores a secret you specify. Your application will need to store the key and secret somehow so it can use them when generating requests that use OAuth authentication. The wiki page provides examples that use utilities available in the Application SDK which you may choose to use, or you can decide to either implement all the functionality yourselves, or find other OAuth utility libraries out there. The Application SDK itself bundles code obtained from If you use code you find elsewhere, be sure that it works with the OAuth 1.0a protocol - Jazz products do not yet support the more recent OAuth 2.0 protocol.
Prasun Roy selected this answer as the correct answer

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