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IS OSLC workshop example compatible with CLM3.0.1.*?

Charlie Seo (111) | asked Oct 02 '12, 7:56 p.m.
retagged Mar 05 '13, 10:09 a.m. by Marc van Leeuwen (13126)
Hi CLM experts,

I have been trying the OSLC workshop example, particularly for RM part but having problem with running examples (3 and 4) successfully. The issue seems to be authorisation failure and it throws with the following error message from RM example 4.

    - Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
    - Content-Length: 0
    - Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2012 23:51:18 GMT
3/10/2012 09:51:18 org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector handleResponse
WARNING: Authentication error: Unable to respond to any of these challenges: {oauth=WWW-Authenticate: OAuth realm="Jazz"}
org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: Unauthorized
    at net.jazz.oslc.consumer.examples.Example04.getServiceProvider(
    at net.jazz.oslc.consumer.examples.Example04.main(

I have tried with different instances of CLM but results are same for v3.0.1. However, this works just fine on CLM4.0.  Can anyone advise me what I could possibly miss here?

Thank you in advance,

Rosa Naranjo commented Oct 03 '12, 4:11 p.m.

Hello Charlie
I don't understand why you are having trouble because the examples we have available work with RRC v3.0.1 and NOT v4.0.  So, I am confused why it is not working for you unless you have mixed up which CLM server you are actually accessing with the example code.  Can you double check what CLM server version you are actually connecting to when trying to run Example04?

We are working on putting out a version of the workshop that works for v4.0.

Charlie Seo commented Oct 04 '12, 3:31 a.m. | edited Oct 22 '12, 5:20 p.m.

Hi Rosa,

Thank you for your response. I have definitely checked multiple times with RRC 3.0.1 and even with different installations, but the results were identical. I have tried with CLM 4.0 to find out any difference but strangely it worked just fine. The version I tried was and 3.0.1 and my client is experiencing the same issue so wondering. Any advise for digging it further would be great.

Thank you,

Amy Lai commented Oct 05 '12, 1:27 a.m. | edited Oct 22 '12, 5:20 p.m.

Hi is there any update on this?

Marc van Leeuwen commented Mar 05 '13, 10:12 a.m. | edited Mar 05 '13, 10:15 a.m.

Is there a way to get access to the version of the java code that works for RRC v3?
Can I interest anyone with debug code?
I have the same problem.


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liesa pugsley (311) | answered Oct 19 '12, 12:30 a.m.
Thank you Rosa. Charlie probably didn't phrase the issue adequately. 

We have solved the issue and I would like to post the response for any others that may encounter this problem.

We have set up separate URLs for our applications so that jts server is https://jts.apps and rm server is https://rm.apps.  

In order to use the workshop examples, you need to perform a replace on the rm server URL to be the jts URL when you are accessing the catalog, but when you come down to the next level, you need to leave the rm server URL.
System.out.println(">> Service Providers Catalog: "+catalogURI);
            catalogURI = catalogURI.replaceAll("rm.apps", "jts.apps");

Rosa Naranjo commented Oct 22 '12, 5:41 p.m.

the above explanation was not enough to explain, at least to me, what the problem was and what the resolution was exactly.  Could you provide more details and try one more time to explain the workaround?

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