Question regarding overwriting projects already in workspace
When importing a project already in the the workspace you are given an option to overwrite that project. It appears that the current projects location is discarded and the newly imported project defaults to the project name inside the workspace's directory.
Is there any way to preserve the original project path?
Is there any way to preserve the original project path?
3 answers
When importing a project already in the the workspace you are given an
option to overwrite that project. It appears that the current projects
location is discarded and the newly imported project defaults to the
project name inside the workspace's directory.
Is there any way to preserve the original project path?
No. It will currently always load into the default location. You can
change the project location after the load. Subsequent operations will
keep it in the new location. However loading a project with the same name
from a different workspace/component will once again load it in the
default location.
- Dmitry