Query regarding use of the Testcaseupdater
Column : A B C D
Req-1 req description TC.1 Test desc 1
Req-2 req description TC.2.1 Test desc 2.1
Req-2 req description TC.2.2 Test desc 2.2
My excel table is shown above and the config file I used is shown below. After exporting the testcases and requirements get exported. But when I run test case updater no linking takes place.
Could anyone tell me as to why they are not getting linked and what changes should i make to the config for proper export and linking?
Also apart from Testcaseupdater is there any other tool of linking testcases to requiremnts?
One answer
the TestcaseUpdater only link the test case and requirement with the same external id.
so you need to change the config file
testcase.XLSArtifactID=C to testcase.XLSArtifactID=A
requirement.XLSArtifactID=A to requirement.XLSArtifactID=C
if i change requirement.XLSArtifactID=A to requirement.XLSArtifactID=C duplication of the requiremnt2 is taking place in the above scenario.
could u please help in resolving the above error?
Brijraj, are you using Excel Importer 2.0 or 3.0?
by the way, I think testcaseUpdater can only deal with the 1-1 link, seems you want to link 2 requirement to one testcase.
I am using excel importer 2.0. I want to link 2 testcases with one requirement which i mentioned in the above posted question..