variables in the Build Definition (for z/OS)

I have a need to set the Load Options in the Build Definition at the parameter "Resource Prefix" for every user that runs the build. In the specific case a Userid fo example ( actually a little more complicated something like "DEV.<userid>" . I tried to use a global variable buildRequesterUserId and tried to enter something like :
{buildRequesterUserId} in the resource prefix field..
But this does not work , as I get the error "Invalid character in qualifier "
Is there any way that we can set this paramters automatically for every different users?
Like Rdz uses the logged in userd id as prefix to Data Sets..
Accepted answer

Hi Jorge
Right now this is not possible. Our current thinking is that a build definition would be set up for a team build environment and when a developer needs to build into their own sandbox area they would perform a personal build and override the prefix when they submitted the personal build.
Please open an enhancement request if what I have described above does not fit well with your situation.